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238 results found

  1. Search for recipes based on an ingredients

    Search for recipes based off of an ingredient you already have. Ie: you have a zucchini, so you search for "zucchini" and recipes with zucchini as an ingredient pop up

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  2. The ability to show what meals we can make based on what we have in our refrigerators currently

    It would be great if we could have a way to check what foods we currently have in our homes and reverse search the meals we can make from that.

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  3. Exclude certain ingredients from meal planner search

    Exclude certain ingredients from meal plan search. I cook for my family and my husband can't eat peppers. Peppers seem to be in a lot of recipes. Or e.g. exclude bread.

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  4. Adding your own meals to meal planner

    You have the option to create your own meals but when planning your meals you can’t add these to the planner part, it only lets you add it onto the day which you can’t see until you find the date in the calendar

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  5. Snack options

    we have meals to choose from that we’ve eaten but can we have snack options because I tend to eat two solid meals a day and then like 2 to 3 snacks

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  6. Make it easier to favorite meals

    Make it possible to favorite the meal with a heart on the picture for a quick add.

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  7. Needs to let us choose and schedule our own food to meal plan better

    Needs to let us upload recipes and allow us to put in our own food like protein bars so we can meal plan better.

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  8. Consistency in Recipes

    I’m noticing that your recipes have ingredients in the instructions that don’t fall in the ingredients list. For example on a smoothie bowl recipe, it talks about topping with chia seeds, but no measurement is given in the ingredient list for these. Several recipes are like this. Also, use consistent measurements. How many g, oz, c of potato instead of “1/2 a medium…”? I want to make sure what I’m eating is what I’m tracking.

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  9. 72 votes

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  10. Serving sizes

    If the meal makes more than 1 serving, give me the breakdown of what 1 serving looks like- weight or something. It’s hard if it makes 6 servings but i have to guess on what 1 is. I can’t be sure if I’m eating more/less than I’m logging. Hope that makes sense.

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  11. Ability to exclude foods like alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts and things like kale.

    The ability to exclude foods like bean sprouts, alfalfa, kale, and other so-called healthy alternatives that I personally do not like the taste of.
    Also the ability to filter meal suggestions by cost. With the $140 a month for this service and the cost of food on top of that, I'm questioning whether I can even afford this with my budget. Personally I'm on food stamps. I know a lot of overweight people are. I'm not rich, I don't have a high paying job, I struggle to make ends meet before I found this app

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  12. Turn off meal pictures and day of meal

    Every time in the meal I have to click skip
    Photo. I want to turn that off. Also if I am on another day and click add meal activity it always assigns it to the current day vs the day I am viewing.

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  13. Create a recipe

    Looking for an option to create a large recipe at home with multiple servings. I currently have to use another app to do this then add it in as a custom meal to log the macros correctly.

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  14. Edit or substitute ingredients

    Ability to substitute/edit/delete ingredients in recipes. It is ENTIRELY too expensive to buy some ingredients for one serving for one person so I’ve had to get creative with substituting ingredients I already have or from other recipes.

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  15. Meals that eliminate food intolerances

    There are specific healthy food items I cannot eat due inflammation or autoimmune or health conditions. App should give option to eliminate those upfront. Already my first day diet consists of all the food items I should avoid.

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  16. Sustitutions for food sensitivities.

    Be able to enter the ingredients we swap in a recipe or suggestions for ingredients to swap. If I can't eat potatoes or sweet potatoes what can swap those ingredients with? If I can't do avocados or coconut oil, what can I use instead? If I just eliminate those items, my macros will be off.

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  17. Macro

    I wish you could quickly see daily and per meal macros and calorie counts, with updates as you swap recipes out. Ie if my target is 20% carbs, 50% fat and 30% protein what and how does each meal impact my meal planning like the intent app.

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  18. Most recipes

    Ability to modify recipes including recipes in our favorites. Allow removing ingredients, adjusting quantities, substituting ingredients, WITHOUT having to re-enter an entire meal.

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  19. Grocery list needs improvement

    Current grocery list is only a list of ingredients alphabetically listed in the tiny portion for one recipe. They need to be synthesized into a real shopping list for the week.

    Current meals also basically require me to buy one banana and .75 cup of almond milk. Without knowing what’s coming next. I cannot buy these things in small portions. Meal plans need to be sensible for week to week shopping efficiency.

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  20. List food items in order of use in a recipe

    List food items in order of use in a recipe - this will help when preparing foods.

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