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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1040 results found

  1. show which muscle groups are being worked

    Have a description of what muscle groups are being worked that is readily accessible without opening a video.

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  2. 387 votes

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  3. Enter your steps manually

    I think it would be able for us to be able to enter things manually, like our steps. Not everyone uses an app for tracking steps, some may use an app that isn't compatible and of course we all know technology, it doesn't always work. I think this would be a nice feature.

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  4. When playing music, the app lowers volume when the in-app timer is going off. But after it lowers, it doesn’t put the music back up.

    This only whappens when the app is open. If the timer comes through a notification, all good - music resumes at normal volume. If the app is open and the timer goes off, music lowers, does not go back up until I go to one of the training videos, play the video, then exit out of the training vid selection for the music to go back up.

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  5. Make sure someone can click out of the app and move back over without it resetting the entire workout

    Make sure someone can click out of the app and move back over without it resetting the entire workout

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  6. Grey out the set I’ve finished when the rest timer goes off. I constantly forget which set I’m up to, this would visually help loads

    When I finish a set - I hit the clock and set off my ‘rest’ time. It would be amazing to have that then grey out the set I’m finished with for the day. Otherwise I’m doing mental gymnastics at 5am remembering if I’m on my 2nd 3rd or 4th set etc

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  7. Please add more flexibility to customize workouts

    Due to certain limitations I often must substitute exercises and/or want to expand my workout beyond the coach’s specific lifts. While the “substitute” option is there you can only sub in something already in the database. There is currently no way to add in additional (extra) lifts/exercises once already started a workout. Additionally, it would be super helpful if the option to add in a customized name or description was available. Not every lift I need is in the database. I would love to be able to insert exercises from my own plan with my custom name and description.

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  8. More Specific Exercise Filters

    I’d like to be able to filter individual exercises by body part(s) targeted while browsing the exercise library and building my own workouts, also for workouts that I build or modify to be saved.

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  9. Highlight the training muscle for each workout

    What’s the point of assigning workout if user doesn’t know which muscle it’s emphasising on?

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  10. Add a Restart feature for workouts that were prematurely ended

    Add a restart/resume feature in case you accidentally end a work out earlier than you intended.

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  11. Create a 3rd column in the exercise section of the app to enter data on each set.

    There is already 2 column boxes for reps and weight. Please create a 3rd column box to input “quick” notes. Such as RIR data. Even if there is a character limit, like 10 character limit, that is still enough for most quick data - e.g. 2RIR, or IncWtX5, or DecRpX2. Trying to log this type of tracking for each set on an end of workout notes section is too clunky and inefficient. One small adjustment will yield dividends for the clients and trainers alike, since the trainers can quickly glance at the set by set data during the client’s workout…

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  12. Being able to add in our own exercises if we do extra workouts

    Add our own exercises in, if we do extra workouts on top of the ones assigned. IE: if I do 3 sets of diff exercises, I want to be able to add them in so the trainer knows I’ve done extra. I did my own sets / reps of several exercises one day. I had no where to add them. I just had to message my trainer in the chat and wrote them down … I should be able to add them in

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  13. Be able to edit workouts or substitute exercises without “starting” the workout

    Is nice to be able to plan your routine\workout the night before but to do that you have to start the workout (which starts timing) to be able to edit it e.g add remove exercises- then the document time it took to do the routine is wrong

    Not sure if this is because my trainer has my workouts and not me

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  14. name and save your WOD

    Would be great to be able to save the WOD and name it so. As you can repeat without having to add the exercises every time 🙄

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  15. Mute video music.

    Before the app we could mute the explanation video but now that option isn’t there. I don’t like the music playing over my music

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  16. 18 votes

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  17. Tick to track completed exercises during workout

    After every set tick that it's completed, during workouts

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  18. Make it so we can copy and paste a workout we have already done to a future day

    Say on Tuesday I did a upper body work out that I really liked and wanted to do it again on Sunday, it would be much quicker to be able to copy the workout to another day - at the moment I believe you can only move it completely.

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  19. Ingest all Apple Health activities so I don’t need to do double data entry!

    To make it possible for my trainer to see all my activity, you must ensure all my apple health workouts are also displayed in your app.

    Such a nightmare having to enter this manually!!

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  20. Ability to pause workouts on the mobile app

    Like on an Apple Watch when you do any workout you can hit “pause” temporarily. Like say you forgot something in your car and need to run back out. You can hit “pause” vs keeping the workout going or starting it over. Or sometimes when I’m doing cardio outside I see people I know and talk to them briefly it would be nice to hit “pause” and then resume when I’m done.

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