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5648 results found

  1. Total weight moved

    In the Strong app it shows the total weight moved for each exercise and a total workout. This is helpful for an overall progress indicator when you excel in one exercise but perhaps don't on another during a given session.

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  2. Allow uploading a personal training worksheet (pdf)

    Working with a personal trainer, I have a weekly workout routine in a written form. It would be great to have access to a digital format of this form, and ideally referring to it as an option of activity ( not just using the “general” option).

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  3. Workout substitutions should stick on my schedule.

    Im only in week 2 but my gym lacks certain equipment. 2nd week when i got to the same workout my substitutions were gone. Kind of a pita to

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  4. And the option for a re-feed day

    Create the ability to have separate additional macros for a refi day that is planned

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  5. Substitute ahead of time & copying workout from week prior

    The app duplicating the workout for the following week on the same day.

    My trainer sets workouts for each week, for 6 weeks. (Same exercises) I have substituted some of the these to suit me. It would be great if when I have completed the workout and done my substitutions that the following week it duplicates it because that’s what I did the week prior.

    The ability to substitute workouts ahead of time would be amazing and can’t believe you can’t do this.

    I also have to not start the workouts on the app because it takes over my watch…

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  6. Measurement for above naval

    To measure that part of the stomach area above the naval. +- the lower rib cage where a lot of fat can accumulate.

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  7. Favourite meal option

    My gym manager runs 6 week challenges and uses this app for meal planning. It's awesome!

    I'd like a "favourite" option so that when I love a certain meal, she can see it and not remove it from my meal plan. Saves me messaging all the time requesting it back.

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  8. Fix Timer

    TIMER Bad!
    I set timer and never will let me know when time is up.NO DING. I have to prime TWICE to get ****. Then 1/2 way through timer quits, no ding!
    Very irritating.

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  9. 9 votes

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  10. Fix Bug- weight/scale integration is not accurate

    Weight/scale sync with apple health is off by .3 lbs everyday- fix bug, please.

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  11. Please create an option to copy foods to multiple days

    Please create an option to copy foods to multiple days

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  12. Prospre integration

    Prospre is a fabulous macro meal planning app with grocery list building. They have contacted you and requested to be able to integrate and you turned them down? Why because they are a smaller app? You only take the multi million dollar companies? The dev team needs to get off their tail ends and start doing something. Geez! And don't discount the smaller guys. They don't get hacked like the big ones life MFP. Remember that breach a few years ago? Keep that in mind when you turn down the smaller apps.

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  13. Comment section under meals in planner

    I have found a recipe that I made according to the recipe and it looked nothing like the picture. The ratios or one of the ingredients is wrong and the result was inedible. I would have been better off to eat the ingredients on their own. A comment section below the meal would allow for feedback or to advise of possible errors.

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  14. Add Boxing option under Activities

    No way to track boxing with bag/partner. Nothing close/similar either

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  15. Introduce a search function

    I’d love be able to search for meals based on what I have, for example, what salmon recipes are there? Or something that contains broccoli.

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  16. Sync to Myzone heart rate monitor

    Real time active calorie burn sync

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  17. revisit dashboard

    I want to be able to revisit previous days to see how many steps I walked, calorie intake, calories burned etc. I want to be able to go back to a previous day & see my dashboard info.

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  18. Notification/ streak pop ups

    Don’t give a streak notification or any new screen pop up after i mark off something on my to do list.

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  19. Need to accommodate for made a home meals via recipe

    I really need a better way to log meals made at home via a recipe. Should the recipe ingredients be added or what?

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  20. Have video of Ainsley doing the actual exercise move instead of just picture

    Alexia Clark app has her do the exercise move right there when you are supposed to be doing it. It’s a good reminder on how to keep form while doing the move. Feels like you are doing it together. It also has a button you can swipe and shows her doing an alternate move, if for some reason you can’t do the first one.

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