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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1251 results found

  1. 2 votes

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  2. We should be able to connect Polar app

    I have a Polar watch and i can’t connect it with your app because the Polar app is not on the list…

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  3. Show training room

    Instead of showing “club evexia” as the location for my class, show the specific room where the class will be held (eg “expand room” or “exert room”) so I know where to go without having to navigate to the class descriptions separately

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  4. Being able to create a gest member barcode. So they can come to the gym after 9pm, like Planet fitness.

    I would like a function, where I can add a guest like the planet fitness app can do. Where they can come to the gym at any time, all they need to do is scan in with a bar code they get from the gest invite.

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  5. Keeping Previous Workouts

    Personally, I would like to be able to retain previous workouts from other phases on the gym app instead of them disappearing.

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  6. Please allow clients to book a class up to 24 hours ahead

    Please allow clients to book classes at least 24 hours in advance.

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  7. Show daycare check in time in app

    In the app where it shows the members check in history, there should also be a way to see daycare check in history too

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  8. Calendaring and reminders

    No ability to save scheduled classes in phone calendar 😒 please add that. and can we please have the ability to get a notification when a class has opened up for booking?

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  9. Captain’s chair in app

    Add captains chair to app - not currently available!

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  10. Update app!

    The feature to show I have attended a class does NOT work!

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  11. Childrens Card

    Add the ability to add your child’s membership card to your account and smart wallet on iOS or Android.

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  12. Prioritize using less phone power - this app absolutely kills my battery

    This app absolutely kills my phone battery. Please look into power consumption and optimizing background usage.

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    Make it possible to change the time zone. My appointment times have NEVER been correct. I show up, trainer isn't ready, says it's not for another hour, blames it on the eos system not being in the same time zone.

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  14. Extend weekends to 8 PM

    Would help with people who work on weekends to make it

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  15. An option to pay through the app

    My payment didn’t go through. Rather than locking someone out of open pass you should be given the option to make payments.. especially if you’re gonna charge me triple if my card declines

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  16. Ability to create and track custom goals

    I would like the option to create custom goals based on my plan. For example, today my trainer asked what are two things I can work on this week. I gave two things. I'd like to be able to create those goals in-app as reminders and be able to track how I'm doing with them. I'd envision this as an Add option to the calendar/plan areas. And there should be categories such as Nutrition, Workouts, Mental Health, Spiritual Health, Relationship Health, and Other. Also, the ability to create time frames around each goal.

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  17. Performance enhancement: reduce app crashing during work outs while synced with Apple Watch.

    App crashes and slows down phone during workouts with Apple Watch connected. Also increases battery consumption. I pretty reliably consume 20-25% of my battery in a 30 minute workout if I begin a workout from iPhone.

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  18. Points

    Be able to see how many points you have saved up.

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  19. When you edit a workout, you should be able to delete an exercise if you added it by mistake.

    When you edit a workout, you should be able to delete an exercise if you added it by mistake.

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  20. Floor plan

    Add a floor plan on the website that show where specific equipment is located based on the body part it targets

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