Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
222 results found
See stats older than 3 months
I’ve been training for 3 months and realized today I can’t access my very first week of measurements. I need to see that to know where I started. Can I find my very first measurements somewhere? If they’re lost, I might cry. I didn’t write them down thinking this app was saving my measurements.
1 vote -
Have the ability to delete all prior personal bests
Sometimes a client has an injury or for some other reason, needs to reset their training progress. It would be helpful and motivating to the client if we could wipe out all the prior personal bests (without deleting their training history) so they could set new ones. Besides injury, this is also helpful if a client has taken time off or has peaked for a event and is rebuilding.
6 votes -
Show previous measurements
Would like previous measurements and caliper pinches to be shown on app when entering new data. This ensures pinch and tape accuracy
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2 votes
Ability to scroll between progress photos from the same view
Functionality has changed. Previously on desktop was able to select a specific view in progress photos, click a photo to view, then click on the arrows to see other photos from other dates in the same view.
Functionality has now change where selecting a view, then clicking on a image to view, then clicking on the arrows will only show the photos from the same date in the other views.
33 votes -
Decimal times for sprinting.
I am training pro athletes & a lot of football players who need to track their sprinting times accuratly.
I am sure a lot of coaches feel the same if they are coaching athletes.
There is category for timed exercises, but its rounding the numbers oddly.
If you put in a 4.46 its gets rounded down to 4 sec.
It would be of great value and only a small change.
Please support this idea if you feel the same.5 votes -
help article spelling out what each of the badges and achievements are.
Would like a help article spelling out what each of the badges and achievements are.
2 votes -
Reconfiguration of the time span window within the app/online
Currently when reviewing a client's stats in the app, some of the time span options are 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y. When looking online, some options include 1M with the 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y.
It would be great if the time span window could be adjusted to reflect a time span window of 2 Weeks and 1M within the app along with a 2 Weeks option for the online perspective across all incoming data points. The greater time span options could be limited to the online perspective only.
Another possible option would be to have the…
1 vote -
Volume Tracking
I've found periodization very difficult on the trainerize app. The first & foremost challenge I face is the ability to track total volume per body part. I currently have to do this off-site in a spreadsheet for each client. I feel as if it would be a fairly easy integration as the muscle group is tagged when you input an exercise i.e. you program a bench press & it's tagged "chest." Now if every time I program a "chest" exercise it would add up the Total sets & give me the number for each bodypart that would be extremely helpful. …
11 votes -
Tracking Increments of weight in different exercises
Tracking Increments of weight in different exercises for trainer and client. This will help with tracking how much weight the client is using after each session. Also having a graph to show the progress of weight for the client would enhance their experience.
6 votes -
Badge and Milestone Report for All Clients
It would be awesome to get a report for all the milestones and badges clients receive.
4 votes -
Graphic / Chart of the week load progression
A graphic showing the volume / intensity of the load of each training per week. This will allow us to analyze if it’s possible to add up, or maintain or de-load on the following week of the program.
1 vote -
Field to add blood pressure & resting HR for assessment tools
Adding Blood pressure & resting HR to Body stat/or other title. Allowing us to enter Blood Pressure and RHR at time of reassessment.
3 votes -
Add manual Pulse-Ox data entry and tracking as a dash tile
With COVID now an ongoing, and long-term "thing", one of the things we are doing now with clients (and ourselves) is measuring and tracking oxygen saturation using Pulse oximetry, or pulse ox. Doctors are using this on patients as diagnostic tools both at home and in hospitals. My brother and mother have each had COVID and this was a leading indicator to get help, as well as a prescribed at-home, follow-on testing they were told to do daily when they were released (on O2 and still recovering). This is both an instant and trending measure to help assess one's health;…
1 vote -
Ability for clients to rate a trainer
Ability for clients to periodically rate their trainer so the manager can see.
3 votes -
1 vote
Measurements lost calculations
Would be great to be able to see the total amount of CM's lost from check in data and also the amount of KG's lost not just a dot point graph.
6 votes -
Export customer questionnaire and account details
Ability to export the information contained in a customer's questionnaire form and personal details such as; weight, age, sex, location, activity level and height.
2 votes -
Allow multiple clients' progress photo in one report for groups
Ability to view multiple clients progress photos at once to compare for challenges
6 votes -
Graphing for strength progression, by individual exercise.
Graphing for strength progression by individual exercise.
This is helpful for clients who have specific strength goals, like powerlifters.4 votes
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