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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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194 results found

  1. Add new exercises that aren't listed

    I use exercises that aren't listed such as a gripper. I'm a qualified PT and use the app more for support.

    It would be ideal for me to be able to add my own exercises as well as a personal exercise library.

    At the moment I'm having to keep write down these exercises in my training notebook.

    I realise that you have already said "not right now" to this idea but I'm hoping you'll realise that this is important to those of us who are more independent trainers.

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    can already be done  ·  Coach responded

    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. 

    You can refer to it here



    If you do not see these sections, you need to speak to your business owner to grant you permissions to edit the  exercise library.

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  2. Don't have sessions reset each month

    I am going to try and explain this the best I can.

    Scenario as an example:

    I offer 5 personal training sessions and my client has 3 months to use them all. If she only uses 3 in the first month she only as 2 sessions left to use in the remaining 2 months.

    The way trainerize is set up, is the sessions reset after each month. So if I set the expire to 3 months, her "5 sessions" reset after the first month to another 5 and she only purchased "5" so she shouldn't get more.

    I find some…

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 You can set the credits to "do not expire".

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  3. Sync Myfitnesspal app to Trainerize app

    Hi, I noticed everyone's else's post on this idea (sort of). I would like to just ask and promote that we have an integration or system add-on synced with myfitnesspal nutrition at the minimum as everything else can be tracked through Trainerize. Thank you.

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  4. Remove auto messages from app

    Have the option to remove automated messages sent by the app. This is sometimes confusing for clients when we just spoke to them about some thing and the app sends them a message.

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  5. Allow users to plan meals ahead and track meals for upcoming days

    Allow clients to plan ahead by loading meals for future days in advance. This allows them to plan grocery lists and be sure they are hitting their targets by preplanning.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. Clients can track meals in the future. It will be by default tracked. Here is more info on tracking meals through Trainerize in this article and this one.

    If you wish to have meals in the future scheduled and not tracked, please create a separate idea and we will monitor the request. 

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  6. 2 votes

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    Hi everyone, 

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done with the "Stacking programs" beta we have going on. I've requested for the feature to be turned on for your business.  

    You should notice a new option in your Master Programs called on-demand libraries. 

    You can subscribe clients to multiple on-demand programs. 

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas. Thanks!

  7. Delete foods/ingredients from meal

    From what I see, there is only the ability to delete an ENTIRE meal, not the individual foods and/or ingredients that comprise the meal.

    If something is logged on accident, or maybe "planned" to be eaten later in the day (since I try to get my clients to pre-log and pre-plan their meals), and then needs to be removed, you have to delete the ENTIRE meal... and then re-log everything else that was included in it.

    Need the ability to delete (or move) individual foods.

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  8. Individualized Scheduled inbox messaging

    I would love the ability to schedule individualized inbox messages to my clients

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    This can already be done by adding auto-messages directly to the client's calendar, or adding it to a master program.

    You can see more details here:


  9. Social links

    Social links on the profile page so the client can connect with the trainer

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  10. A link that can be copied and shared for invitation. Like via text.

    Some people are REALLY slow to check their emails. It would be nice to just send them a link via text so they can then sign in.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Simple go into the client’s profile and hit “Copy setup link”.

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  11. Restrictions section within programs

    A section within the program where you can record restrictions of the client

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  12. Multiple Calendar Deletion

    It’s a pain in the back side having to delete each workout or task one by one, being able to select and delete multiple would save a lot of time.

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  13. recipes

    Recipe ideas within the app would be a great addition

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    0 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
  14. Ability to set trainer schedule availability.

    I have Fitness consultants that sell the client then book the first session with the trainer based off of the clients preferred time and the pt's availability.

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  15. Potential Clients Consultation

    Would love to be able to add potential clients for the consult in my appointment calendar without having to first register them as client.
    Building upon that, someday a sales funnel.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You can now create them as basic clients who do not take a coaching seat.

    You can refer to that here:

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  16. Calender sync, iPhone calendar

    Ability to sync to iPhone calendar. I don’t use google calendar but want to be able to see my appointments in the same place as my
    Personal and other work calendarz

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    Hi everyone,


Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 You can go to the More section and select calendar sync to sync Trainerize appointments to your phone calendar.

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  17. Assign a Client to Begin a Master Program at a Specific Part of the Program

    Many of my clients are on a monthly subscription where they all receive the same new workouts each month. That means right now I'm having to manually go in to each client's profile, add a new training phase, and copy and paste their workouts from my templates into the upcoming training phase.

    It would be nice to be able to continuously add the new monthly workouts to a Master Program and subscribe all my clients to that program. But I want everyone to be doing the same workouts in the same months, so I would need the ability to start…

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  18. Pin supplement notes to the top

    When you pull up a clients profile to add notes and such. There should be a section that stays at the top where we can keep track of their supplements they are taking. This would be much easier to filter through instead of having to scroll down the notes section time and time again to see what was added or taken away.

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    0 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
  19. Set a vacation responder for messages

    Set up auto response to messages if you are away on vacation and want to defer to another coach

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  20. 1 vote

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