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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

We are continually upgrading your fitness app with new features based on your feedback. Please add a new idea, or vote on an existing idea. This ensures your ideas don't get lost and always visible and other users can upvote your ideas. The idea forum allows us to keep a pulse check on what our user community as a whole wants.

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This forum allows us to more accurately prioritize ideas to ensure a system of fairness by executing on improvements needed more urgently by a larger cohort of our user community, in order of voting priority. It offers you transparency into what we're reviewing, starting and have completed.

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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194 results found

  1. Autofill

    When a client is working out, currently they have to fill in reps and weight or time for each set individually, this is very redundant. If a client is doing 4 sets of bench press @ 185lbs for 10 reps all 4 sets should auto fill.

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    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for submitting your ideas, this was actually covered by a duplicate idea that we have recently completed.

    Clients can now quickly auto-fill previous exercise stats, saving time and simplifying progress tracking. Just toggle the auto-fill option at the start of the workout and get moving faster! Learn more.

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  2. The ability to deactivate or hide Timmy Explorer

    I know we can delete Timmy Explorer but I would just like to deactivate him or hide him so I don't see him listed as a client.

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  3. Time of session

    Changing PT session times! I do 30 minute PT sessions

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  4. Opt-Out of Trainerize default instructional videos

    The videos are great but prefer to just have my own video in my Library. The Trainerize demonstration of the standing band chest press are a little silly and rather opt-out of the videos the company provides

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  5. Create a way to separate clients

    Being able to separate clients into different categories so that you can check on a specific client faster than having to look through the clients list. For example:
    Group training clients
    1on1 clients
    All online clients

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  6. Trainers to be able to edit/add nutrition goal through the app

    The ability for trainers to add/edit nutrition goals through the APP and not just the webpage. The app is so convenient but it doesn’t have all the features that the webpage does. This would be very convenient as a trainer who edits their clients nutrition multiple times.

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  7. Ability for 'master program' clients to also have access to enter a workout they did

    when subscribed to a master program it would be great if the client could enter if they did a walk or stretching, etc. So I can keep tighter tabs on all the activity they are doing!

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
A client can always hit the green activity button and log an extra activity like walking.

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  8. Keeping groups verse 1:1 clients separate so its easier to manage!

    Keep groups and 1:1 clients separate so its easier to manage and to clearly see what client falls in which group or what client works with you 1:1

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
We recommend that you add custom tags to them, or if you are using integrated payments, simply pull up the product they are subscribed to.

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  9. 3 votes

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Clients already get a morning reminder notification on the habits they are scheduled for that day.

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  10. Ability to archive/delete a demo client after a trainer is familiar with the app.

    Ability to archive/delete a demo client after a trainer is familiar with the app.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
Simply delete the demo client like a normal client.

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  11. An option to add notes to each client, for only trainers to see, like fat loss phase etc, need to lose 5kg etc

    There needs to be an option to add notes only visible to trainers, like goals, so we can keep a track of it and adjust for small wins and different phases

    same for training, just to make things easier, as at the moment I have to use spreadsheets for this along with the APP

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
The trainer’s notes section on a client’s profile is private.

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  12. Ability to send a message to all clients at the same time

    Some days of the week I send the same message to all my clients and as it is set up now I have to send the message to each person individually. It would be nice to have a feature where you type up the message and click send to all.

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    1 comment  ·  Messages  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Simply go to the client page and select multiple clients and hit the message icon.

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  13. Half an hour slots on the appointment app

    My PT sessions are half an hour long but you only have the option of 1 hour appointment PTs, could you change this feature?

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  14. appoitment section including other trainer schedule like consultation for non members.

    The app only allows you to put in the calendar a 'PT' section and you are forced to put in a client name who is signed up to the app. There needs to be a consultation section so that we can put in the calendar and without having to sign up a temporary client to the app for a 1-time consultation.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You can now add these leads as basic clients to the platform, without taking up a coaching client seat.

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  15. Overview where you can see ALL clients Macros for the day on one page instead of having to enter each client separately.

    Overview where you can see ALL clients Macros for the day on one page instead of having to enter each client separately.

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    0 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Simply go to the client's page and click the nutrition tab.

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  16. Allow myself and my coaches to share master programs

    Allow me to share a master program with my coaches. I would like all of us to share the same master program, so that when one of us adds a workout to the master program all of us can access it.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
You can pop the program in the Shared folder.

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  17. Calendar settings for ALL clients

    Ability to auto set calendar settings such as checkin days, auto-messages. I have my clients checkin on the same days and it would be easier to add calendar items to ALL clients as opposed to updating each and every clients' calendar.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.

    You can add them to a master program and subscribe everyone to the same program.

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  18. Duplicate circuits in interval type workout

    Need the interval timer setup but really like to have 4 circuits of the same ten exercises. Would be nice to enter the ten exercises and then duplicate them rather than having to repeat dropping all ten of them 4 times

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Simply group them into a circuit within the interval workout.

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  19. Being able to set and change a product start date per customer. Sell today, start on Monday.

    Currently, there isn't a way to change the start day of a product per customer. Needs to be able to change the start day, or, if at last there will be a way to sell a product manually without sending a checkout link, to set the start date when you sell the product.

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    1 comment  ·  Payments  ·  Admin →

    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 You can add a manual sale and set the custom start date.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  20. limit visibility to current phase

    Limit client visibility to the current phase in their program only. At present, if you only let them see 1 week in advance they can still see and use what is coming up in the next phase if it has been scheduled.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app.
 Clients can only see the current training phase, unless they are just starting or on a break, then they can look at the upcoming one to prepare to start.

    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


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