Add non-training events to the calendar
Many of our clients are training for something specific... be it a sports meet or event, a competition, or a trip to the beach. It would be nice to be able to add those events to the calendar, even if it's just a titled item with no real content.
Right now I build a workout for their events, so that I can see those things on their calendar when I'm building their plan, but that clutters up their training plan.

Paul Pisani commented
So important for me as I train tennis players around the globe...would be great to have training phases based on the calendar events
Adrian commented
Any update Trainerize?
Anonymous commented
This is so needed! Events like weddings, comps and holidays
Adrian commented
This would be very helpful! It could be making a note of a scheduled call, scheduling when an athlete is going on the ice that day so we know what their life looks like to best for our workout planning.
Rafn Franklin commented
It would also be great to be able to schedule their day with all kinds of activities like for example: Sauna in the morning, cold plunge or similar.
Niccole Hendrickson commented
The ability to use calendar for labels like “rest” or other specifics to their nutrition or training without having it labeled “general”
Nicole Browning commented
This is my number one ask! The addition of a “custom” event type or at the very least adding a “coaching” event would make Trainerize darn near perfect.
Ben commented
Is there any way for me to add a custom entry, or note onto someone's calendar? For example '30 Minutes Swimming' or 'Walking in the Lakes' or any personalised comments for that calendar day?
Janusz Prociuk commented
Would be awesome to be able to create events with a specific time and reminder eg to schedule a face to face session or Skype call etc
This would take the planning and scheduling to the next level!
Brandon Westeren commented
Definitely a great idea. Adding in tiny details would make it easier to customize.
Sasha Myers commented
I would like to see an option to schedule a client's race or event (i.e. half marathon, ironman, etc.) on the calendar so we can see it.
Rob Yontz commented
I could not agree more strongly... I would like to be able to schedule on a clients calendar (or them schedule) things such as a coaching call (phone) or video call (ie Skype / Google Hangout). Also I have several clients doing athletic events; i.e. Obstacle Race, Triathlon, 1/2 M, etc. I want to be able to track their race performance so I also have to create a "workout" for these things.. they are not workouts, they are "events"
Rob -
Anonymous commented
This would be great! I'd love to be able to highlight the calendar peak week for marathon training or highlight a deadline
Kris Hampton commented
Currently the calendar is very limited. I'm sure I'm only scratching the surface as to what could be done with it, but I would love to see the ability to color code a block of time to denote phases, such as power, strength, etc (This would also be nice within the Training Plan view). Also, adding notes or events to the calendar would be great. If my athlete has a meet or competition coming up, I want to see it on the calendar when I'm building the training plan! This could be as simple as a text box, but would be even better if it had a built in reminder of some sort. Also, being able to drag and drop in the calendar would greatly improve the workflow.