Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM
I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
Another benefit of this would be if the trainer says to do 3 sets of 1 at
92.5% of the max, but the client has only done a 5RM, the calculator can
find the 1RM so that the trainer can help the client see where they need to
be. Hopefully it makes sense but I think it'll really help People push themselves harder then just grabbing
any weight that they can do just to get it done.

Anonymous commented
This would be incredible!
Anonymous commented
Can we please get this? This would be amazing for my advaced clients/athletes
Elle Blackwell - Fitness & Health commented
We neeeeds this!
Chance Ruggeroli commented
Strength training requires load selections calculated by an individual's 1RM. Each selected load reflects a percentage that is an estimation of intensity derived from the 1RM. This scale used in conjunction with an RPE and/or RIR scale helps refine appropriate training intensities for the client as their strength progresses toward eventual graduation of their limit strength. Unfortunately, as it stands, your programming options do not allow any of the 3 scales to be utilized to guide training intensities. And I do not see a way to upload my spreadsheets to this platform.
George Fallaw commented
This would be AMAZINGGGG!!!! If they can see what rep scheme at what weight would equal what 1 rep max it would even help intensity on isolation exercises. (obviously never do a 1rm on a tricep extension) but you know if your set wasn't a good one if you aren't beating that projected one rep max.
Only the data populates after the workout and you click save, but there needs to be something to boost intensity intra workout and clients need to see what rep schemes and weights will project their 1 rep max to. It's the BEST way to get better and push yourself every session!!
Devon Chang commented
This would be fantastic to have. Train Heroic has this in their app and is a great feature. Even though I work with primarily Gen. Pop., this is still good info to have and to help educate my clients while showing them actual data.
Lynde Weatherford commented
It would be nice when we are writing out the workouts to be able to program the weight based on the percentage of a max effort performed at the beginning of the program. Along with the percentage being automatically calculated for each subscriber for the program. Right now our coaches have to deliver that information in the description page but it would be nice if it was automated
Coach Todd commented
I have to have Teambuildr app for this and it’s $750 a year. I train strength athletes and teambuildr works great with 1rm and calculating new 1rm maxes but has zero of the auto message and programming features I love about trainerize just need to have both in one place!
Taylor Rimmer commented
Be able to create a test day where clients enter 1 rep maxes or rep maxes, and then the software calculates the numbers for them based on what the trainer has written in the program. Such simple spreadsheet functionality should be in any training software!!!
Jupe Bornmann commented
YES!!! Literally having this exact issue right now
Have calculations built in so you can put the clients 1 rep max in and then prescribe them a percentage of that 1 rep max
Anonymous commented
This would be great!
Tyler Kradas commented
I’d like to be able to add in a clients max for bench press for example, then when I go to their program, have a prescribed percent of that max as the prescription. I believe now I’d just have to figure out percentages myself and fill those in with the weights.
Jourdana Clarke commented
Yes please - urgently need this
Hillary Belmont commented
I would love to be able to enter my athlete's 1-RM and then prescribe a percentage load for that exercise, so they can see how much weight to lift for certain lifts.
Whitney Carlson commented
Having a 1RM history in the app along with a chart of percentages ready to go for each exercise. Just like Wodify has in their app
Bryan Henry commented
If we can add a percentage section in the Progression builder that would be great for exercises
Rob Boxall commented
As soon as I input the reps and weight that I just completed into my program, I'd like to see a real time calculation of my estimated 1RM for that exercise... I've seen this in another app and for pushing me to improve there was nothing more valuable.
Robert commented
Add Tempo, RPE, Percentage(with possible inputing 1RM beforehand) when setting up training, sets x reps IS NOT ENOUGH.
Jayme Pantekoek commented
NEED this! Train by numbers!