Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM
I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
Another benefit of this would be if the trainer says to do 3 sets of 1 at
92.5% of the max, but the client has only done a 5RM, the calculator can
find the 1RM so that the trainer can help the client see where they need to
be. Hopefully it makes sense but I think it'll really help People push themselves harder then just grabbing
any weight that they can do just to get it done.

Gabriel Cuello commented
So for powerlifting it helps to offer clients a program they can follow that allows progression. As a coach it would greatly help if we can monitor their training by percentage base numbers to properly peak them for a meet.
Rob Yontz commented
I think this would be fairly simple to implement. Create a one page table where we select the exercises we want to use as the base, allow the option for the trainer to restrict updating to just the trainer or permit the client to update as well for a 1RM.
The table could be easily be amde to be view able rather than just a pick function also.
Anonymous commented
Auto percentages= 85% of 1rm for 5 reps... It would be good to have that in there then the client enters their 1rm(or it's already recorded from previous workouts) and the actual weight to be used gets entered automatically... So they just see 100kgs 5reps. This would make things so much easier , especially for online clients or performance clients
Rob commented
Presently the app calculates a 1RM and 80% RM load based on the first set and # reps of a move. This info is available in the movement detail screen on smart phones. It really isn't usable like this. No one hits a lift like that on their first set...
For example; I am currently doing Wendler's 5-3-1 process and it calcs my 1RM off the first set [which is 5R@70%, or 3R@75%] for which I am exceeding that lift on the very next set! And even if I was using another protocol, at a 4 to 6 rep set, I would be hitting a couple warm-up sets first (and yes I want to record those also).
It may be a small thing to many, but it is a large inconsistency when working with people remotely, so can we get this corrected so it is accurate?
Rob commented
I would really lie to have this as well. I have a couple design templates in which I direct reps @ a %RM> I currently have to use my hard copy sheet and review each and every client past progress to accomplish this == VERY time intensive jumping across several screens (in fact much more time intensive than my hard copy files for in person clients.)
With this I can see where it is a small step to get %RM assignments into the periodization / planning process - such as when one is using Wendler's 5-3-1 programming, or a Westside BB conjugate approach, etc.
Jevaat Ali commented
need to be able to put in clients max 1 RM so we can calculate automatically what they should lift such as 75% or 80%. Be cool if app automatically worked that out
Anonymous commented
I would like to select what percent of 1 RM I am training my clients at (50 to 95%)