Add options to record biometric measurements. Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose, BMI, Waist Circum
Add options to record Bio-metric Measurements along with the current body stats. Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose, BMI, Waist Circumference. This would be great for tracking chronic disease risk factors. Would be great for corporate wellness programs.

Katrina Garcia commented
Would like to also have Skeletal Muscle Mass added and Total Body Water as these are metrics observed on the InBody scale.
Sean Hagstrom commented
This seems like it would be an easy addition. Being able to manually input blood pressure and other biometrics without wearable tech would be nice too. Blood Glucose and O2 would be a nice addition as well as a automatic waist to hip ratio. Here's another similar post:
Loi commented
Be able to add custom biometrics and data
Chris commented
this or at least the ability to add customized stats would definitely be useful
Spencer Bradley commented
Also if the system would be able to grade the individual in a high risk, moderate risk, or low risk category for chronic disease based off of their bio-metric screening numbers. This would be great in bringing about awareness for high risk individuals.