Develop a more general strength programming template
Currently the program writing template is too restrictive. A simple (hopefully!?) solution would be to have more fields. For example I write programs similar to Ian King/Charles Poliquin. Many PTs do to:
A1 Back squat, 3 sets, 8-10 reps, 4011 tempo, 60 sec rest
A2 Lying leg curl 3 sets, 6-8 reps, 4110 tempo, 60 sec rest
A1 and A2 are not super sets in this case, they are simply paired. Calling two or more sets paired or grouped together a super set is too restrictive.
Simplify this bit and I'm sold.. until then, thanks for the look.
Alex Moody
Anonymous commented
I 100% agree here. Not having this feature almost makes me want to leave the app. Here's the thing. When I go to print up a worksheet, these numbers, the reps, sets tempo are all left out. It looks like shit, and not professional. Alex is exactly right here. Please change this and make it better.