Workouts notes and client comments about a workout
In the notes tab section when the client is doing it finishing their work out if there could be a notification or 8+ one on the note tab section because my clients leave notes sometimes but I don't know whether or not they left a note unless I tap on the note tab. It would be nice if there was something notifying if a client left a note about their workout without having to tap on the note to see if they did. It would help because the note that they would leave would be regarding about their work out for that day so if something went wrong or if they really enjoyed it and want to something similar to the work out they did it would help trainers like myself a lot in the long run . Thank you

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
With the v6 app released Q3 2019, clients can now leave you an RPE rating and comment. And you reply to the comment and it’s attached to the workout permanently.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Jessica Johnson commented
It would be great if we could also reply to the clients comments left on the workout
Chris Keseling commented
Adding in my two cents on this one too. I love the ability for both trainer and clients to add notes to workouts, but currently they're easily missed. A notification pops-up but if you don't look at it right away, it becomes buried and difficult to find later.
Also, I think it would be great if the workout notes linked back to the actual workout. If I put a workout note in, yes it appears in the client's profile, but I don't have an easy way to associate it with the actual workout. If I could click on it and it took me to that workout it would be much more useful.
One last thought...if the interface could somehow flag those workouts with notes (clients or trainers), that would be helpful too.
Cassye Delphy commented
Yes and please allow clients and trainers to see notes from previous workouts in the current workout, just like flipping back pages with a paper log book
Juha Vennola commented
I`m also waiting this ability to reply to customers comments.
Do you know when this new version is coming? -
Milagros commented
Clients can add their weights/how they felt during the training session. That way the trainer has a better grasp of individual progression.
For example, I can add in starting weight. But the client will be able to adjust over the weeks (this also falls within the “Add Program” suggestion, not just a workout.
Katie commented
It would be great to have two separate textboxes within the 'notes' section of a specific workout - one labelled 'Client Notes', the other 'Trainer Notes' so they are not confused with each other. And preferably a tick box option to state whether you want the note to be private or shared with the other party.
Carlo Kapojos commented
Yes! please integrate this option!!!
Anonymous commented
I would just like a notification every time a client adds a note to a workout.
Allow for notes that are created during a workout to be available immediately in app, instead of just on web.
Adam Jackson commented
Yes! A lot of my clients utilise the notes function really well and it would be ideal to have a direct feed from their notes and my feedback.
Specific feedback can easily get lost amongst the message feature.
Kris Hampton commented
Any movement or thoughts on this? Particularly now with the added step of alt/enter to send messages, it seems like client communication has taken a backseat, while it should be at the forefront. I rarely get the notes in the daily email, and despite many questions, there have been no answers as to why.
As it is it's a hugely laborious to see a clients notes, and as my client base grows, even more so. With 70+ clients, it would take me 3-4 hours a day to go through all of their notes. Without easy communication, the app loses it's appeal.
Kris Hampton commented
There should be some way we can see all of the recent notes in one place, from all clients.
Dan commented
In order to encourage clients to keep commenting and adding notes to their workout, it would be motivating for both trainer and client if the trainer could reply to comments that the client posts into a workout.
e.g, If a client mentions, finding that Plank really hard. The trainer can reply, no probkem Joe Blogs, iver added a variation into your workout that you might find easier!
This could produce a comment stream without the need for sending messages, plus the client will know exactly what you are talking about and what you a replying to. Would be great for app interaction for both parties.
mooij_s commented
It would be great to respond directly to notes posted in a workout in stead of having to use the message functionality. Responding to the notes directly creates a direct thread and furthermore reaffirms to tthe client that his notes get read.
Elis Mar Einarsson commented
That's a great idea. Hope this also reaches the web dashboard :)
Kris Hampton commented
Many of my clients leave notes on their workouts, and that subjective feedback is the most important to me. However, their notes rarely show up in the daily email, and I have to look through every clients progress to see the notes, which is extremely time consuming.
If the notes were made available in either the Overview (preferred) or Client Dashboard (2nd choice), it would solve that time issue.
Anonymous commented
We can add workout notes but cant view them the next time we go to do the same workout with a client
SC FIT ONLINE commented
there should be a way to have access to notes for the clients
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful if more than 5 past workouts were displayed on the PAST tab. Also, some indicator of when a client leaves a note for a workout on this tab (as in the desktop) is really important.
Matt commented
When using the app for in session clients it would be useful if you could make notes on areas of the workout during the personal training session (or the client could do this in the gym in their own time). I believe you can currently do this on a PC but actually 'in session' on the android site.