When you track a workout have the previous workout reps/weight show on the screen
When my clients are tracking their stats their previous workout info doesn't show, so they can't do the workout and track at the same time since it doesn't show what weight/reps they did last time.

Amanda Kroeker commented
I'd like the previous stats and estimated 1RM to show in the workout builder while I am creating a new program phase for easier progressions.
Chris K commented
The feature as currently implemented makes things harder instead of easier.
Clients get tripped up 90% of the time because they see a weight listed there and take it as gospel. What they don't realize is that the weight will vary according to reps being performed as well as the exact machine being used, which can even vary within a single gym, but definitely varies between one gym and another.
I've had too many clients look at heavy weights we have done together try to use those same weights when I give them "high rep" homework designed to help them practice the movement as opposed to lift heavy. I've also had too many clients who use more than one gym (or train with me in one and use another themselves) who are totally misled by this field as a result. -
Rob commented
I've found that this feature is on the mobile app, but not on the web portal.
This feature would also be very helpful on the web portal as well.
Brandon Rogers commented
I would love to see this feature with the last weeks weight/workouts on the left and the current workout on the right. That way we know what weight the client was using the previous week and can adjust from there.