Add leaderboards for motivation
Leaderboard to encourage and motivate.
Categorised by male or female or weight or age.
Generic conditioning workouts posted per week with numbers of reps/sets or time used to categorise winners.

Kevin Bazile commented
Having a leaderboard that gauges clients habits would be a game changer.
Justin Case commented
leaderboard for certain exercises would be great!
Luke A Epaminondas commented
Leaderboards are a must, it’s a great way to help with consistency, client engagement and adherence. An amazing way for us to be able to set up group challenges within a community, and does wonders for our clients to give them an extra push by having a bit of friendly competition on a leaderboard that they can or what position they’re in and how well they are doing. Great for compliance. Also adds a little friendly competition or it just might be a little extra nudge that they need for them to stick to it or to do more. Leaderboars can be used with multiple things like steps, total value, PBs, total workout, distance and much more ect. Summary Steps leader board greatly help increase engagement with a little competition to help consistency = better results
Sina Haghighat commented
It would be great to have a leader board based on nutrition compliance % and exercise compliance %.
Lori Harrison commented
Leader board would be ideal for running group challenges! I manage a corporate fitness center for a company and we are always offering a variety of challenges like run/walk club, fitness challenges, and healthy eating challenges. I need a simple way of tracking who is in the lead.
Thomas Vasey commented
Needs to be upvoted this would be awesome!!
Thomas Vasey commented
Leaderboards that track a clients progress, strength, weight, steps etc and put them in a group competition with the ability to have prizes - maybe even message other people in the group challenge like a mini group page for people to motivate each other.
Vanessa S. commented
Leaderboards for any groups you create within the app
Gary Rafferty commented
Leaderboard option with points
Peter Milhous commented
Develop a scoring system that a community can view others results and compete with each other for better scores / times etc..
Matt Hancocks commented
Leaderboard that has a start and end date to coincide with a master programme.
The accountability this will provide is huge. Just look at fiit and Peloton
Keaton BIllings commented
Make it easier to create some competition within a group. A place for clients to post fastest times, most rounds, etc.. to allow a little competition
Germaine May commented
Leaderboard so clients have the option to see how they compare with others you train.
Sarah Moul commented
This would be amazing!
Kenton Martin commented
This would be a great feature. Group challenges are a great way to keep your clients engaged and have a sense of community.
Simon Pellecchia commented
Maybe a section where we can spontaneously send a workout through that stays on for a limited time only then it disappears. Like a weekly challenge, that is only on for a limited time as a extra motivational workout. Trying to do this at the minute but having to put it in their plan but don’t really want them to see it yet!
Shalynne Barr commented
It would be nice to have public group challenges that we could all add our clients to. Lose It offers this feature. People like the support of each other.
Dylan Fowler commented
It would be awesome if we could have an in house leaderboard
one which shows our best members lifting scores, attendance, nutrition complience and gym records etc.
i think it would also be cool to have a little notification of when a member is close to the gym record or a really awesome benchmark score
Justin Wickard commented
Have challenges for groups that can be tracked and give awards for those in the group that win the challenge. For each person to be able to track their progress in the challenge and see everyone else’s progress in the challenge.
Brittany Schrempp commented
Love this idea! Challenges that can be custom to everyone or to certain groups