Please autosave our summaries! I forget to save sometimes and have to completely rewrite summaries are in depth. Rewrite-no fun
This is something I have been wishing for ever since I started. I write out summary specifically for each client's workout program. Sometimes I am scrolling down to look back over the workouts real quick and forget to push "save" in the summary before I click on something I see needs to be edited in the plan. Then I realize I completely erase my entire summary...and I haven't copied it so I have to try and rewrite what I wrote the first time. Is there any way possible to add an "autosave feature for the summaries?" That way when us trainers take the time to write the summaries, we don't forget to push "save" before we move onto something else. This would surely help me tremendously. I would appreciate you letting me know if this is something that can be added. Have a great day!