Allow clients to be queued or subscribed to a different future program in advance
At the moment, clients can only be subscribed to one program at a time. This is a problem if a client's program is, for example, ending in two weeks and i want to have them automatically switched to a new program at the end of those two weeks.
Being able to cue up the program subscription in a future date will help.

Driven commented
Be able to be placed on a subscribed plan on a future date and still be able to see current plan up till the date of starting subscribed plan, this would help with clients that are currently following a plan but are deciding to start a future challenge plan. Also would help to allow clients access to previous plans with a click option in case they wanna go back n time and repeat an older workout. I noticed that u have to restore clients to do so now which makes it difficult for pre planning for someone who is on a plan that you wanna have them subscribed on a future date. If you do that earlier now it makes current plan not visible
Rob Yontz commented
This is in the functionality already. I do this all the time. I believe there are a couple ways to do this, but here is what I do:
> From a clients profile, select "payments"
> In the Sales block, select " Sell New Product"
> GO through the sales prompts for (a) Product, (b) start after current product, (c) apply discount code if applicable>> Done!
Joshua Lewis commented
Exactly what I need!
Stefan Zahnd commented
Vote! Exactly what I'm looking for :).