Pin trainer’s post at the bottom of group thread
In our group my post can get lost in the thread. But if it was pinned to stay at the bottom where the most recent message is usually seen then more people will see it.

Dean Nicholson commented
Why are only a handful of people voting for this! Come on people!
This is like on our Facebook Pages where pinned posts stay right at the top of the feed, so it's always the first thing people scroll past.
Justin Feldman commented
This would be huge!!
Jake Zylstra commented
Pin a message with group chats
Jodilynn Online commented
Similar to Facebook where an important piece of information can remain highlighted in a group chat, AS well as a notice board so that trainers can post important information daily to clients as I find lots of things get lost in the chats ESPECIALLY if the notifications are turned on.
Jodilynn Online commented
Trainers can post important information so it is easily viewable/accessible for all the clients
Info posted by trainers only, no client input or feedback.
This will avoid having to scroll all the way back through chats to be able to see an important piece of information the trainer wanted to get to their clients.
Britt Wheeler commented
My client recently made this suggestion when I sent her a list of food recommendations with photos to help her choose higher protein snacks. She would like this information to be pinned somewhere in it’s own section rather than having to scroll through our message thread to find it again.