Options to add in giant sets, compound sets and drop sets. Currently only option on training program is to add super sets.
More variety in type of sets like options for giant sets, rest pause sets, drop sets and compond sets. Currently only option for super sets. More variety is please needed for adavanced programming.

Julia Goss commented
Is there any movement on this one?? It'd be really helpful to have the ability to add rest pause/drop sets/etc.
Emily Cramer commented
I would still love to see this feature added in!
I want to be able to make the last set of an exercise a drop set. I want the client to be able to specify each weight size used in the drop set as well as the number of reps performed with each weight size.
Fares Saad commented
Having Drop Sets is much needed
Joel Wright commented
Having the ability to plan other advanced techniques such as drop sets, tri sets etc etc! Been waiting a long time for this
Rosebud AF commented
Any progress on this?
Having Drop Sets would make programming so much easier! -
Jhon commented
Be able to do drop sets, tri sets, giant sets and specify the numbers of reps they can do in the exercises when doing drop sets.
Joseph Ofula commented
drop sets giant sets , is needed
Tammy Evans commented
YES Yes yes!!! I need to be able to assign specific reps per set.
For example: 15/12/1015reps set 1, 12 reps set 2, 10 reps set 3...
Being able to assign drop sets and pyramid sets are important to me.
Plus a button for them to add an extra set would be super nice as well.
Logan Bohn commented
Be able to program a wave loading rep scheme with varying intensities. ie. 5/3/2 or 8/6/4/8/6/4
Sibylle Gorla commented
Be able to record drop set information
Gabriel Grove commented
guillotine -
Carrie McDonald commented
This would be great!
Ashlee Szabo commented
Yes please!
Aaron Down` commented
Yes this would be unreal !!! Would allow for so much more freedom when programming
Coach Nic commented
Yes please,
To have more freedom with our program design!
Drop sets
Ramp Up sets
Last Set Challenge
Tempo Controlled sets -
Bart Ellebaut commented
dropsets are really needed!
as are pyramid sets -
Anonymous commented
yes this is URGENT needed
Sammy Hamouda commented
Yes!! Programming in dropsets is needed for sure! The main thing I need right now
Michael Scheepers commented
Agree, to basic at the moment needs more options here
Morgan Hunt commented
Yes this is how to really get progressive overload