This is still not available in Ireland, will it be coming anytime soon?
Could you make the online payments/subscriptions available to Ireland, please!
Would kindly be appreciated to have the same opportunities as other countries
Many thanks,
John Tierney

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can now connect your Irish Stripe account directly into Trainerize and make use of all the integrated automation features available.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to add your vote to other ideas.
Other payment ideas:
Other appointment booking ideas:
Trainer commented
Trainerize Pay for IRELAND
Dermot Smyth commented
I live in Ireland but can't get people from Ireland to pay in euro. €
Christopher Kelly commented
I am from Ireland and noticed that Ireland is not on the list of countries that can use Trainerise pay.It would be great if they were.
Anonymous commented
Please enable support for ireland payments
Anonymous commented
The only function that doesn’t work for me as an Irish client is the pay function.
Anonymous commented
I second this! Any update??