View progress in Progression spreadsheet
When creating a progression, I'd like to see the last time a client tracked that particular exercise or workout, that way, I can easily progress sets, reps and weight
Nat commented
This would be a game changer for the app, as well having more space when writing exercise-specific programming in the textbox, more nuanced programming (assigned progression schemes), a readiness check before each workout like TrainHeroic to assess recovery, etc.
I like a lot of things about Trainerize, but by far, the programming section is the most important and the most disappointing compared to other coaching/training apps. I chose this one because it was the most intuitive/user friendly and had the most features outside of programming. However, it definitely puts the least amount of focus on the training/programming section of the app/site, when compared to apps like Everfit, TrueCoach, Train Heroic, etc. I still use FitNotes (which is just for personal workout tracking) for myself instead of Trainerize (which I use for clients) because FitNotes is SO much better for programming and tracking workouts with lots of great features, and it doesn't even have a desktop version where you do the programming from like Trainerize and most other coaching apps. You do it all in the app and it still works great. Obviously the desktop version is important for programming meso/macrocycles of programming, etc. But you can barely do that in Trainerize anyway.....yeah.
Serbanvlad _PT commented
Seriously, why are people still
Using this app if you cannot track your progress… absolutely useless -
Heather Barbieri commented
Also, how they rated the pre-existing workouts (i.e. 1 out of 10)