Find client action
Similar to the other apps, be able to have a Find client action to locate a client by e-mail, then run other subsequent actions on it.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Maneesh Gupta commented
While finding the client, we would like to know if they are Active in Trainerize or Inactive and then branch the zap
Anonymous commented
The more robust the custom fields the better. Birthdates, body stats, goals, current habits, anything from the intake forms, etc. The more the merrier. I can definitely commit to making sure the community understands what’s possible with access like that.
It would even solve some of the reporting requests you’re getting regarding tracking client body measurements over time simply by polling their profile weekly or monthly and going to Sheets with it.