Clients should be able to set goals through app so trainers can customize around it
Clients goals will change along the way, it’s great to set goals with a trainer but clients will change their minds along the way and should be able to set them, and trainers should customize programs along side with those goals personally set by clients themselves
Eliza commented
100% I am also looking to empower and educate my clients so they understand how to fuel and build their nutrition around their own training and like others have stated when you have a studio with 100s of users this ownership is ESSENTIAL!
Warfit Training commented
Important to incorporate this with the On-Demand Features! Those that subscribe for a on demand library of workouts should be able to set their own goals and habits to keep them motivated and subscribed.
Exerza PM commented
This is really important for businesses that have programs that clients follow at their own pace! Especially Studio plans with hundreds of users. This setting would be great please!
Sébastien commented
Critical for clients to set own goals and habits and stay accountable
Rick Marz commented
Would be a great option for clients as they build self efficacy and decide they want to set goals for themselves. As a coach, I can still coach them around the goals they have set as well as the ones we create together. Also would work well with subscription products where little to no coaching is occurring and people are buying on demand workouts. It makes the app more robust for those users.
Coach George commented
A setting allowing for this would be insane. Especially for packages where you want to sell a self-regulating program.
For example: I want to make a guide for how to change your lifestyle based on habits. And I would like people to have the option of changing the habits they want to work on, depending on what they want to focus more or less.
I'll explain the goals for each habit in the guide and teach them how to make a plan, and then they'll just have to pick their habits accordingly to their own plan.
Becky Haseldine commented
This would be SO helpful!!!
I’m solely a nutrition coach, but my clients like to have their own exercise on their habits eg 30min run etc so if they could do it themselves it would be a huge help. Thank you -
Jessica Gunn commented
I have 130 clients and it’s a nightmare having to manage all of their habits. It would be so nice for them to manage them. Thanks!!
Nicole Hardcastle commented
I REALLY think clients should be able to assign goals to themselves . I have a group product I can not assign goals individually to each person especially if I sell as much as I would like . They are following Along videos So they need to be able to set their own goals...they can not access that themselves . Thank you !