Save custom habits as master custom habits
The ability to create and save new custom habits to save you typing custom ones every time you want to assign it to a client.
Jenny Halstead commented
Being able to save a Custom Habit to the Master programs would be amazing!
Jen commented
custom habits - have the option to notify the client that one has been added, and the option to customize the time those get sent out per habit. Example: I have client that is working on water intake and sleep. It would be awesome from a coach's view to customize the water habit to get sent at 9AM and the sleep one at 8PM. Right now, the client has to go in and set their notification time. It would be cool if the coach had this option and could customize the time if they had 2 habits per day.
Liam Carrick-Ryan commented
Allow custom habits to have the ability to add more text or a description field. Currently the Custom Habit feature only allows a small amount of text so you are unable to be specific with a habit you would like your client to complete
Kyle Barloon commented
100% yes we need this!
Patrick Dooley commented
Add Detailed explanation (and Images and Video) to a Daily Habit that is delivered to the Client daily via Pop Up Message from the mobile app.