Ability to track Appointments as "completed, no show, etc" - show completed appointments under each Trainer
This would be critical for payroll/accounting purposes. As a brick and mortar establishment, we of course kept track of all completed personal training sessions for payroll purposes of our employees. We also tracked/compensated for appointments where the client late cancels, or no shows. If this could be tracked somewhere for easy reporting - like underneath each trainers name and sorted by weekly, monthly, etc it would simplify payroll processing. It would also allow us to charge clients for no shows or late cancels.

soren commented
Pls. put this one under review and implement. Absolutely needed and would be a huge benefit in time management as well as ability nudge attendance / secure lost revenue. Thanks :)
Aaron Ellis commented
This is a huge oversight once payment processing was introduced! Please work on this and also a way to have a report of staff completed sessions for payroll purposes!
AdminAnonymous (Admin, ABC Trainerize) commented
The ability for clients to check into the class they booked, so trainers can track client attendance
Willie Schober commented
issues with members that think they are checked in but in fact are not. messing up tracking.
Willie Schober commented
Need a color Change or something in App to indicate to member that they are in fact checked into the class:
From the calendar screen - it tells you when you're booked (green) or on the waitlist (yellow). It would be helpful if it indcated when you've been checked in.
Preference: Waitlist (yellow), Booked (blue), Checked-in (green)
Matt Dwornik commented
It would be very useful to be able to track client appointment history to keep a track of how many sessions they've had and when. This includes the ability to log sessions as late cancellations, late attendance, no-shows and attended. Currently, I have to track this manually, so in order to make Trainerize a more comprehensive system, this is essential.
Coach Adrian commented
Yes, this would be VERY Helpful!
AdminCoach (Coach, ABC Trainerize) commented
Check-in feature for appointments, so trainers can keep better track of who shows' up or will be attending.
Rodney Hurricane Carter Jr. commented
In-person client check-ins for tracking & validating trainers sessions
CoacHer Fitness commented
Only the trainer can mark the following button on the app: completed, no show or credit sessions. Just to keep track of the online clients workout progress.
Chris Raymond commented
Having the ability to have clients book group sessions with the ability to track that information for payroll and usage of those groups is critical for business owners. This will also get more people to use the app if there is a better appointment feature with reports. Please create soon!
Jon Castor commented
Yes please implement this - just add a checkbox or menu option - even better a signature box so client who signs mark the appointment as checked in/complete. Good for claims and accounting for sure.
Yogi B commented
Enable the client to “mark as complete” the group sessions like you would on a workout.
So this counts toward compliance and also important feedback on level 1-10.
I dont seem to be able to mark no shows -
Michael Hogan commented
This would be a great feature. I use Setmore currently for this very reason.... Having everything under 1 roof - within the trainerize app would be awesome!
Lisette Echevarria commented
It would be great if our clients can check in to our in-person trainings. This would be a great way to track attendance and be sure that they’re a member and forms are complete. .
And if they’re not already a client, it should take them to a sign up form so they can sign up and begin training with us -
Leslie Harris commented
It would be cool especially to help track appointments, if there was a check in, no show/cancellation button, as clients have their PT sessions or whatever their appt is.
Amy Brantner commented
Ability to track Appointments as "completed, no show, etc" - show completed appointments under each Trainer
Coach George commented
I've been using the Appointments tab quite intense lately and I like having my own calendar in the app with all appointments.
However, it is confusing seeing my future appointments and my past appointments the same. Sometimes I even forget for 1 second if I already had an appointment or if the client missed it.
So, I think having the ability to mark an Appointment as Completed or Missed or even Rescheduled would be a nice feature in order to have a more organized calendar.
There is another idea where someone has asked for a "tracking" feature for appointments. I guess having the ability to mark the appointments could also solve the problem of "how to track them".
Waiting for people to come up with more suggestions on this topic maybe.
Prince Kapoor commented
It would be excellent to he able to keep trainerize for my large group/ in person semi private CRM as it's interface is really easy to use and delivers exceptional service to our clients.
Jason Santos commented