clients able to add in their own habits
Clients have the ability to add in the habits they wish to work on

Anonymous commented
Yess allow clients to add delete or edit their own goals
Centre of Gravity Ca commented
it's really annoying clients can't add their own habits - as a trainer I really don't want clients to include habits by having to go through me first. doesn't help with self-efficacy and feels like I have to give them permission first. especially since clients are already tracking habits with different apps, they should be able to do it through the same app they meal track and track exercise habits through.
Jordan Senior Coach Assistant commented
allow clients to add their own habits
Jessica Gunn commented
Clients able to add their own habits
Pat Doherty commented
I’d like to give my clients the habit to drink smoothies or eat a salad for at least 4 days of the week. I want them to be able to place that in their calendar so I can see it.