Audio Workouts
I train boxers and martial artists, who would benefit greatly if they could listen to my audio files or videos, to follow along while the screen is locked i.e. during runs, etc.
I know this feature would also benefit running coaches, and I'm sure all coaches could find creative ways to integrate this style of workout type into their programs, like guided meditations, warm ups, cues, etc.
Additionally, some sort of Round Timer would make this even better, and could possibly be integrated into the timer-based workout type.
e.g. Being able to set 3 x 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rest b/t rounds --- and listening to pre-recorded workouts during each of the rounds/rest periods.
I know yall got a lot going on, and this may not be something so easily creatable, but I appreciate all the work the trainerize team has done so far, and im excited to see how it evolves!
One love, Coach Ty