Clear Calendar on MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can for Custom Programs
1) NEED the ability to quickly clear scheduled items (cardio, messages, body stats etc) in MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can with a client's custom program.
It would be the same functionality.
Currently, as an example, if there is cardio scheduled within a master program, and I decide to remove this (as I am now doing with the new stacked program feature) - I have to go through and manually delete every single occurrence of it. It takes forever. :'(
2) Along with this, having items be able to be scheduled as a "repeating series", deleting the first instance of it, and being asked "Do you want to delete only this occurrence, or the entire series?" would be a dream. (Example: similar to deleting a repeating event on Google Cal)

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Calvin Tedesco commented
I am also struggling with this