Dumbbell Exercise Stat Recording Accuracy
I've had confusion among clients and my team on how to record weight stats for Dumbbells.
It seems to me that on the app side it wants total weight to be recorded to possibly account for the total volume stat for a specific exercise. This would make sense for a "DB Front Rack Squat", but on the other hand, if you have a client performing a "DB Chest Press", it seems that there could possibly be an option added to distinguish less confusion for that side of the isolated DB weight. This would make sense since the isolated side is pushing the DB weight as opposed to giving a less accurate stat recording of the total weight being press like the squat.
I talked to customer service and the trainer I talked to said to just add a note which is probably a short term answer here.
I just think that adding an option to distinguish DB weight for certain exercises apposed to total weight would create a more polished look on the Trainerize platform on both client and trainer sides of the app, which in return could make for less confusion altogether.
I don't know if anyone else had some sort of confusion with this, but hopefully we can get some votes on this to have an option added to exercises to clear things up.
Thanks Everyone!