7 days (more than 3 sample days) for meal planner
have a full week of sample days for meal planner

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to ideas.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
Chrisdent619 commented
Release this now!
Madison Ginley commented
Please release this !!
Madison Ginley commented
Please release this soon. I've been checking daily for this!
shuntell b commented
id love for a 7 day one!
Dustin Pace commented
This would be so helpful! It is a major complaint from my clients, as well. Can we make this a priority, please?
Anonymous commented
This would help so much! Currently, the 3 days limit is useless to my clients. Is there any kind of timeframe on this or is it TBD?
Anonymous commented
This is really important
Ashley Poladian commented
hoping this gets changed soon
MJ Foley commented
I don't understand why Trainerize only lets you put 3 days at a time for meal plan. My clients want to do shopping weekly and don't know what is coming up beyond 3 days at a time in their meal plan.
InSeason Habits commented
It would be helpful to be able to give the client 7 days so they can shop and plan accordingly. As well, be able to mark some meals as leftover meals.
Terrell Smith commented
It would be helpful if we also had the option to build a full meal plan from the Trainerize meals. Or once we add our own custom meals into the system (which we can already do), we could select them and develop a meal plan from that, as opposed to always needing to upload a PDF. One that automates into their program just like building a workout does. Quicker and easier to customize.
Anonymous commented
3 days is not enough
Colby Purvis commented
have new meals every three days so clients don't have to manually swap every 3 days
Ryan Sylver commented
it needs at least 21 days
I am considering moving to another platform due to this. The only fault so far I have is the nutrition side of it
the most comments from my clients... and i'm not sure why it's only 3 sample day and not the whole week. Clients need to do a shopping list for the week so only 3 days makes it hard
Patrick commented
How long until this is implemented? Seems like an easy fix.
Anonymous commented
No week is only 3 days, make the recipe x3 serves and spread across the week!
Help clients with their meal prep and plan their full week, what help is 3 days :( -
Katie Ball commented
Need atleast 7 days worth of meals!
Jacob Miller commented
NEED at least a week's worth of meals able to be added, and SCHEDULING. I need to be able to schedule the meals for certain days!