Reconfiguration of the time span window within the app/online
Currently when reviewing a client's stats in the app, some of the time span options are 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y. When looking online, some options include 1M with the 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y and 3Y.
It would be great if the time span window could be adjusted to reflect a time span window of 2 Weeks and 1M within the app along with a 2 Weeks option for the online perspective across all incoming data points. The greater time span options could be limited to the online perspective only.
Another possible option would be to have the time windows to build out with a client as long as they are with their coach. The longer they stay, the more they can see.
Ex. A new client of 5 days can only see 5 days worth of data not 3M, 6M... because they haven't been with the coach that long. When said client achieves 1M, 3M or 6M worth of time, they have access to all of their data.
I think this adjustment would contribute to greater motivation and better results from clients as it would provide informed decision making capabilities to coaches based on a more refined window of incoming data.