Simplify recipes
The recipes look great, however, I think can be off putting for someone who is short on time.
If there were an option for simplified recipes that would be a massive help.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! We added more simplified recipes and we will continue to add more to our data base going forward.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Well Woman Club commented
Choices of very simple easy and quick meals to make. People tend to eat the same few items that are more straightforward. Seasoned quick meals with similar dishes. Ideal for ppl with busy lifestyles.
Kjetil commented
Many of my clients are students and want the cheapest meals possible.
There are too many ingredients in many of the recipes.
If not - then the option to remove ingredients and add them while it updating the macros would be awesome.I used a previous coaching platform that let me do this and it was stellar!
Matt Lane Fitness commented
Variety is great & I don't believe food has to be boring. Having said that this is why I think most "recipes" are such a bad approach for the average person starting out because they have such little nutritional awareness(& time).
So having a client make a 24 ingredient seared tuna meal just isn't sustainable in the long run(I don't even do it after 13 years in fitness).
As someone that encourages meal prepping to my clients heavily I also push the importance of keeping things super simple. I enjoy meal prepping for 2 weeks out. That said if I do anything other than my staples of a protein, carb, and frozen veggies in a meal....I'd be cooking for 18 hours.
Once the client understands meal prepping and flexible nutrition then they can make all of the fancy recipes they want and still make progress.
Eric Champ commented
I am not sure why this even has to be voted on, if I am being honest. If nutrition solutions are offered, simple and basic options are essential. I love your uploaded recipes and don't want them to go away. The filtering will help. PLEASE upload some basic meals. As I mentioned in my emails, my team and I will help create meals for you to upload. This is a huge missed opportunity.
Lucas Chesser commented
Most of my clients are males with little/no experience in the kitchen. Getting them to precook chicken is about all I can get them to do. So I think we need simple/easy. 3 or 4 ingredient meal options that are so simple, even a caveman could do it.
Anonymous commented
My clients are busy moms so this is a must! Don’t have time to be cooking all day long needs to be simple to be sustainable
Jake Dedert commented
Nearly all of the options are overly complicated, involve too much prep time, or are simply just not realistic for a daily meal plan.
Expand the database to include far more basic foods (fruits, snacks, everyday things) and the ability to build custom basic meals from them:
e.g. banana + a protein shake, coffee + a branded protein bar...The meal planner feature is merely a novelty and unusable with clients until such time as basic foods are added with full macro breakdowns for each.
Tamara White commented
It's great to have paleo and the current meal options, however, I feel that it can be intimidating for clients starting out with a meal plan for the first time. For example, when offering full meals, more breakfast meals like egg whites, oats, and grapefruit, or for lunch ground turkey, spinach, white rice etc with macro splits custom to the client. Having more familiar and simple plans allow for all types of clients to be more consistent when they feel like they can make/shop for meals that are simple/doable.
Ame Greco commented
All of these recipes look great, but where is all the simple whole ingredients? You can make great food using eggs, and oats or turkey bacon. Seeing vegan meats everywhere in tons of the recipes is a huge turn off for my clients and myself. Most of the clients being put on meal plans need to start more simply then quinoa, with all this bougie add on and vegan stuff. To me if you cant keep it simple and healthy with ingredients that the common person in need of meal planning can understand this is going to be far to overwhelming for them and they aren't likely to stick with this.
John Tamas commented
The recipes are great and look tasty but some of them take too much time to prepare and have way too complicated ingredients. Some of my clients barely have time to put their porridge in the microwave for 3 minutes