Need to allow custom calorie intake below 1400
Simply give the option for custom calories below 1400 as some people need them
Matthew Tizol commented
This needs to change. So many of my clients are smaller, older females. They can't even fathom consuming 1400 calories.
Alioune Ndiaye commented
Are you guys serious?
Sativa Oralia Albers commented
Many clients need plans with caloric intake below 1400. We need this changed to a minimum of 1200. This is even based on NASM.
InSeason Habits commented
Many clients need plans with caloric intake below 1400. Please adjust.
Anonymous commented
For a small in size person, 1400 is too much
Anonymous commented
Allow meal planner to be available for less than 1400 calories. Some people have a blunted BMR and therefore require fewer calories to lose weight and the meal planner only activates on 1400+
Kelsie Smitty commented
We have Bariatric clients who have been prescribed a calorie intake below 1400 by their surgeon and medical team. This is critical for us as they cannot use the feature currently.
Kami Pellerin commented
YES, I agree with this. Although I don't believe anyone should be consuming under 1400 calories per day.. the fact of the matter is that some clients are coming to us initially in a calorie deficit / weight loss resistance and we need to be able to start them lower to reverse diet and increase their calorie intake over time. This feature is needed.
Sofia Costa commented
For smaller clients (5'1 and under) who are trying to lose weight, a 1400 daily calorie plan may be too much to facilitate weight loss since it will likely be very close to maintenance calories. Adjusting the portion sizes or creating recipes that allow the total daily intake to go down as low as 1100 or 1200 calories would make it more customizable for people who are shorter/smaller
Alex M commented
I've not been using the Add-On 'Smart Meal Planner' feature long but already I've needed to subscribe to 'EatThisMuch' just so I can offer the nutritional customisation clients require.
I can't afford both so unless the 'Smart Meal Planner' increases the calorie range to e.g. 1,000 - 5000kcals and adds more macro splits i'll be cancelling it and using the other site instead.
Eric Sulzer commented
I'd also like to see a 2 meal a day option as more and more people are intermittent fasting and no longer eat 3 meals per day.
Kevin Lafferty commented
This is critical for clients, particularly women with sedentary jobs. Some people woth weight-loss goals may even gain weight at 1400c. Please bring the lower threshold down to 1000c.
Amber Dumbuya commented
If your client is eating below 1400 they shouldn't be seeing you they should be seeing an actual doctor and licensed and board-certified dietician/nutritionist.
Fernando Montes commented
I have clients that cant consume 1400 calories. Especially if they are in a very specific goals. I have a lot of competitors, bikini and beach models. Certain people need a bit lower. If we can set the lower point closer to 1,000 calories this will be super helpful.
I have other cases where clients only used to eat ones per day. Now they are making improvements by eating 2-3 but they still cant get near 1,000. And they get very discourage by the meal plan only being set at 1400 calories. It will be a good option to have it under for just the few who need it.
Dean Nicholson commented
Can't believe more people want this than printing their PDF's properly lol
Where's the downvote?
Tejean Smith commented
there should be a downvote button... thats insane. there is a recommended range for most KIDS between 6 and 12 years old: 1,600 to 2,200 per day. noticed i said kids!
Natillie Brandenburg commented
As a coach to women this limit makes no sense. Especially if you’re 5’2 and post menopausal and trying to lose weight. And even if you set it to 1400 the menu ideas are over that! Not useful.
Josef Brandenburg commented
Also, for the meal planning, even when you put a client in at 1400 it still generates menus that are 1,500+, so it warns the client that they are in a calorie surplus. This kinda defeats the purpose. If you have a short female client with an office job who is trying to lose weight, 1,400 isn't going to work... seems like this was built by tall & athletic men for other tall & athletic men, and those are not the clients most of us train. Furthermore, what if you have someone with an amputation, limb paralysis, or some other physical limitation? 1,400 calories is going to make them GAIN weight even if they don't want to. We need to flexibility to serve our clients in ways that work for them, not the way we think they should be.
Josef & Greg T180 Coaches commented
Yes please. Urgent. This feature is essentially worthless without this change.
Anonymous commented
When I choose a meal plan with 1400 cal, and there is only 3 meal per day. It would be helpful to have a small snack too.