Make it easier for clients to see appointment availability! Please :)
Right now when clients are looking for availability they see a calendar and have to click on each day hoping they pick a day that has availability.
Highlighting days that have slots available on the calendar view would be really helpful!
Jessie commented
This would be really helpful!
Rebecca Morris commented
Rebecca Morris commented
Is there any way for my clients to see my availability on certain days as like a dot or any other indication on the calendar rather than having to click on various days to see if I have availability or not? Currently, my clients are having to click along till they find a day i'm available and if there was just a dot on the days I'm working and have times available that would make the service so much better!
Ehren Curbelo commented
When a client clicks on Book A Session, only the current day's appointments show up. It would be so much better if all the days those types of appointments are available show up for the next 2 weeks or so.
Some clients get confused because when they initially go to book they see there are no available appointments that day and then it's a pain for them to select every day to see if there is anything available.
I hope that all makes sense to everyone.