Assign Specific Habit in Challenges
I noticed that you can't assign a specific habit for the challenges. Many of my clients may be working on another habit in addition to a challenge focused on a specific habit. It appears the way challenges is currently set up, it would count any daily habits completed, instead of the specific habit I want to tie to the challenge. If there is a way to do this that I'm missing let me know, but if not I think this should is something to add.
Anonymous commented
Custom challenges and the ability to input more than 5 to track!
Kate commented
So much potential yet like a lot of Trainerize things, I find it's a good idea that they start and leave sitting in good enough mode while they start something else. I would love to see the ability to limit how many points can come from one category each day (at a minimum) ie - if workouts are worth 10 points, you can earn 10 points per day even if you do 3 workouts. It can become unfair if clients abuse things so I NEVER use the leaderboard option now. The way it is set up, it becomes unfun for everyone.
Felicia Denise commented
When creating a challenge, I think it should be much more customizable based on the type of challenge it is. For instance, I am doing a core challenge, and I would like to be able to have only the core challenge to count towards the points not all the fitness or workouts completed.
Carol Fowkes commented
I completely agree that we should be able to add specific goals to achieve as certain habits are more beneficial to some and not to others.
Anonymous commented
Yes more flexible guidelines for challenges!
Jennifer Crum commented
The challenge feature continues to be very limited. I think the potential can be great, but we as coaches need to be able to set the challenge appropriately to the guidelines.
Jermaine Brown commented
I would love to be able to have a miles run challenge as well as some other custom challenges. And since we already have apple watch integration it could be used to validate certain info like steps in a steps challenge.
Melanie Durette commented
Yes, agree this makes Challenges very limited at the moment. If they are to be useful we need to be able to assign specific habits/tasks. Also we need to be able to edit the Challenges after they start in case we want to add additional info.
Jennifer Crum commented
This is absolutely necessary, We need to be able to assign specific habits and/or specific workouts to be a part of the challenge.
Stuart Ritchie commented
I totally agree with this. I've had to remove all weekly habits for clients to complete in a 7 day challenge. Or if you could set a specific workouts to be the trigger for challenge points? I have a challenge where there is a workout every day so would be very beneficial if I could assign each workout to count towards their points.
Amy Haas commented
Exactly - challenges are useless until there are actual tasks WITHIN the challenges instead of it being applied to other programs/plans they may be in.
Jeff Later commented
This is absolutely vital to the success of a Challenge. We just completed our first challenge where the max number of points possible should have been 63. Because of other habits some members had assigned, we had people end with over 150 points. They shouldn't have to abandon other habits/reminders on their calendar to participate in a challenge.
Jennifer Crum commented
Definitely need to be able to set our own criteria for what is included in the challenge. It appears I would have to go into each client's program and insert any specific habits that may not have been there before.
Lisa Monger commented
Agree, this would be an absolute game changer for specific nutrition or lifestyle based groups
Tammy commented
The top thing that needs to be available in order to make it work better is the ability be able to customize the habits associated with the challenge, bonus if we can give each habit it own point system.
For example I am currently planning a habit challenge. I have about 50 people that would be interested in participating. With the way it is setup currently I would need to go into EACH of their profiles and add the habits for each week. (unless I am missing something... please tell me if I am) That would be extremely time consuming and not really feasible time wise. It would be nice if we could assign specific habits to the challenge itself. Anyone know if we can do that and I am just missing it? (if this were possible it would be one of my FAVORITE additions Trainerize has added so far second only to the program add-ons!)
2. Second thing that would be bomb would be to give it the ability to link to a specific training program. That way only the workouts for that specific challenge would be included in the points. Reason for this? Some of my clients have 'workouts' for their before bed abs or their morning stretching. I wouldn't want those included in their point system.
Tammy commented
YES! I love the challenge feature idea. I just came to add this same thing to the suggestions because i need to be able to assign specific habits to the challenge.
Also, would be very beneficial to be able to link it to a training program as well. -
Allie Smith-Cobb commented
I also need to be able to specify if the habit/rule is for the week or day. EX: 100 points for getting 3 lifts a week. 50 points per day for drinking 128 oz a day.