Subscription Cancellation Fee
Currently, I send a separate link to our clients that cancel their long term subscriptions, prematurely. It would be great if there was a cancel button that the coach can activate or the client, in which an early cancel invoice will be sent to them so that their program can be canceled out. The coach should be able to set the cancel fee prior to the client enrolling as an attachment to the subscription. When a client chooses to cancel before subscription is complete, we could have an automated email sent to them with a cancel link. That link could lead them to the payment screen where the early cancel option is available along with payment input. Once they complete it, the program will be canceled.
Upon setting up the subscription, the trainer can be asked “How many days in advance of next payment does the client have to choose the cancel option?” because some of us have agreements that say 3,5,7 etc. days in advance to cancel programs. This can be added to the self-cancel option. Hope that makes sense.