creating a note next to an exercise in the training programme
a client of mine asked how she can create a note next to an exercise in the training programme. so far i don't see such an option, only as general comments at the end of a workout.
Allison Horn commented
Very needed for clients! I created separate google forms just for this. I export each workout as excel and then allow them to comment on and give RPE for every exercise as they complete it. But clients navigate away from Trainerize during workout to use this.... NOT ideal.
Mallory Webb commented
Yes! Sometimes my exercises are more complex than just what is shown, so having individual feedback, not just reps/sets/weight would be great
Rogelio Gonzalez commented
This needs to happen ASAP! It's important to have clients leave notes for specific exercises and be able to see those notes for their next exercise.
Kate commented
PTD has the option to rate and leave notes for each exercise... not just the workout as a whole. My clients HATE rating their RPE for the workout because in their words, "some parts were a 9 and some parts were a 6 and I always just put it in between to be an average" That's really not helpful feedback as a trainer. And by the time they get to the end of the workout, they either aren't bothered to leave notes or have forgotten what they wanted to say about a certain exercise or they don't remember what the exercise was called. Trainerize is often 'catching up' to other apps IMO.
E. Pala commented
A clients Perspective:
It would be amazing to have the option to write notes linked to a specific workout. ANDDDDD.... the ability to save after finishing an exercise or superset.
If I want to save it, I need to rate the whole workout.I like to take detailed notes for my coach and for my own reference, DURING my rest-time... This works for me. (tried with pen and paper and it doesn't work)
What I do right now:
I jot down which exercise I am talking about:
1 superset, 2nd exercise, 3: Leave space in between
I also come back usually to REFLECT on the workout in the note section of the exercise so my coach has all the information, my reflection and how I think I can do it different next time. So she can correct me where needed.Why is the note section so important? (Maybe your clients can use it more if they don't).
1. It's not only important for your coach, but also for you.
2. You will not remember if you don't take notes immediately.
3. Your mindset (stress, eating enough, how you feel, your overal mental health) and performance are linked to eachother. Track that too...
4. Taking notes makes you more mindfull with your body's cues.
No matter how insignificant as it seems, it can make a huge difference. Even
prevent injuries.
For Example: I was felt a little pain in my lower left back while I tried to do my first
rep of deadlift. I would go on if I wasn't taking notes and reflecting. It was a little
stretch/pain. I stretched and did 1 more, bracing right, watching my form, feet
placement. Maybe that was the problem. I still felt a small pain (lifting light). I
decided to stop. I felt bad, like a failure.
Next day I reflected on that gym session and how I felt.
I realized it was the best decision I could make, because I still felt the pain. I
could have injured me if I was doing EGO lifting.
What can I do next time? Problem solving thinking.
Result: I felt proud of myself and let the negative self-talk go.....
5. Just a few keywords is enough.What you can do till Trainerize has this option:
1. Create an excel sheet and copy and paste the comments for each exercise (will take a LOT OF TIME)
2. Ask a student... (for a reward, a month free training, quality Gymwear/squat shoes or a quality Supplement Package etc) _ There are a lot who can't afford quality gym wear. or nutrition.
3. Or hire a VA. -
Anonymous commented
RPE for each set would be a game changer! Both for programming and client tracking.
Theresa commented
I love this idea. I get there is a note area, but to attach it to that specific exercise would a great assest not only for the coach but for the client also.
Nicole Dudas commented
I had access to this feature in another app and it was fantastic! I know trainerize allows a note but it doesnt attach to the specific movement. I would like to be able to add a note to the specific movement and then when I pull up the history of that particular movement I can see the notes. For example, lets say they used a red band that day, id like to note that. Lets say their knee was hurting but a certain cue helped that, id like to note that so I can replicate in the future.
Rebecca Carter commented
I think this would be an AMAZING feature and really needed. Sometimes my clients use a band instead of a weight, so it would be great to be able to enter what color band they used! Or maybe that they did 6 reps with one set of weights and then finished it with another.
Luke Baker commented
yes, creating notes next to exercises would be amazing
Alex Rowan commented
Yes - also for trainers, things like seat settings, and also further room for specific execution such as tempo, or slight adjustments to form for a particular client, the reps area tends to be too small. Would greatly improve the experience and consistency for clients and trainers.
Emily Macdonald commented
This would be really useful. Lots of my clients are completely new to the gym and the ability to leave notes next to exercises would allow them to jot down things like how to set up the machine and what numbers the seat, for example, is set at.
Coach Michael commented