Free Form or Combo workout option
We use workouts that are often a combo of a regular and a HIIT program. There's no easy way to enter such a thing. Here's an example:
10 x 10 Strict press ( same protocol as the rest of the week)
15 minute AMRAP
10 alternating single arm DB devil press
9 Strict Pull-ups
8 Burpee to target (shoot for a 6-inch jump)
7 Toes to Bar
rest 3 minutes
15 minute AMRAP
6 Sandbag over shoulder
5 Sandbag Zercher squat
4 Sandbag situps
300' Sandbag Walk
I would like to see a free form option or a combo option that allows me to more gracefully write such a program, allowing for both regular strength training, then and EMOM or AMRAP in the middle of it.