why does the calendar keep duplicating items?
No matter how many times I mass delete items like cardio or auto messages from my clients calenders, the app duplicates random auto messages for different days all the time and I'm continuously having to go in and delete them.
For example (and I've spoken to the support team MANY times who said this is a bug you're trying to fix) I set auto messages every Friday for check ins. I then double check my clients calenders to ensure it's set up correctly and then a couple of weeks later, the auto message has duplicated itself 3 times in one day OR it's decided to add itself into a different day. WHY is this? And WHY if you copy a clients workout to someone elses, does it copy over EVERYTHING?? It's so time consuming having to go in and mass delete everything.
I've educated clients to avoid this happening in case it's something they are doing but this just never seems to end.