Highlight when sets are added via the 'add set' button
There are a lot of people asking for an option to delete sets when they're added by accidentally bumping the 'add set' button (multiple suggestions and upvotes).
It looks like the PM, Trevor, suggests just leaving it blank as it won't be saved. I guess this is fine, although it's a bit annoying if you bump the button a couple of times and just have to scroll past like a couple of extra added super sets.
My main concern is that if I bump the 'add sets' button, which is really easy to do, I don't know if I've accidentally bumped it or if my trainer has added an extra set to my workout. My program varies and some weeks, it will be 2 or 3 or 4 sets of a work out and I can't rely on the number of sets I performed last time to know how many I should do this time.
I'm suggesting some kind of indicator that shows whether I added the set myself, that way I can know if I bumped the 'add set' button.
A delete set button would be good, but I would still first run into this problem of not knowing if I needed to delete the set or not anyway.
Please do something like make the button more difficult to press, or some indicator to let you know you have added another set - it would be highlighting the set row, or adding a counter for how many sets the trainer added, or like a reset button next to the exercise.
Thank you.