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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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44 results found

  1. Being able to see all trainer's schedules at a location

    It would be great to be able to see all the trainer's at a location's schedules on the app. We run everything from the mobile app and not being able to see everyone's schedule is a bummer. Especially if one trainer calls out or we have multiple coaches covering the same hour.

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  2. Be able to pay your team members in the app.

    Wouldn't it be nice if you could pay your team members right in the app instead of taking it to a different software or cutting checks each month. Would this even be possible or to say pay your team members a percentage of the money that comes in for their clients?

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  3. Allow trainers to make edits to shared programs without being main admin

    Allow trainers to make edits to hared programs without becoming the main admin.

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  4. Ability to access team members conversations with clients

    I'm sure there are some legality concerns with this, but one thing we want to do is do a monthly quality check with our coaches to ensure they're communicating with clients according to our coaching policy.

    As of now, it seems the only way to do this would be to log into their actual trainer account, which isn't ideal.

    I'm hoping there could be some workaround for this, as we want to ensure we give our clients the best quality possible.

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  5. Section for all our forms

    It would be really useful if we could upload all of our forms to our Trainerize account, like our par-q, check in sheets & liability waivers ect.

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  6. Ability to pay out trainers based on how many clients are assigned to them for the month

    Right now it is a bit complicated to manage payroll. It would be great if Trainerize can pay out to the trainers depending how many clients they have that month

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  7. Multisport training (triathlon, adventure)

    Access to detail
    Example Swim 500m warmup, 100m kick, 8x 25m surges with 10s RI etc…..

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  8. Trainer tracks own progress great to use for selling point

    As a personal trainer I would love to be able to track my own meals and progress just like clients do. This could be used as another selling point while working out in the gym and someone notices the app.

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  9. Have an option for 40 clients as a package!

    Instead of jumping from 30 - 50 clients, could we get a 40 option? The cost difference between the 30 and 50 is extreme.

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  10. Allow coach to have two programs open at one time to coach 2 clients

    Coach two clients at one time - app allowing you to have two clients programs open and live at one time

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  11. Allow trainer to have their own profile by entering food and workout programs.

    Just like a clients profile, where they can enter food and see their workout planed would be very beneficial if the trainers had the same for themselves. I want to be able to use this program to track my own progress in fitness and nutrition.

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  12. Analyze and auto-assign client follow-up tasks for trainers

    Proactively give tasks to trainers so they can engage their clients.

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  13. Exercise Library

    After viewing or editing the exercise library video, the screen automatically scrolls to the top of your list. This makes it challenging and more time-consuming to edit videos and adjust content. Please fix this error and allow trainers to continue viewing where they left off vs scrolling to the top of the list.

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Client names visible on the week to view schedule

    It's really important for me to see who I have at a glance in a day, having to hover over a session to see who it is isn't really practical. Is there a way we can set it to either be viewed by the session type (as currently) or by the clients name - currently I'm needing to use other software for this function because of this.

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  16. Hide business services for new trainer

    Ability to hide specific services from another trainers page. For example; One trainer specific for nutrition so to have training packages hidden from their account

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  17. Trainer scores

    A dashboard that shows each trainer score based on trainer performance.

    Allow me to determine how to score a trainer. It could based on messasging reply time, if their client has an active program, has a habit, # of app sessions, etc

    That will allow me to quickly at a glance see which trainers are doing well and who I need to follow up with.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Master Admin Notification Management

    The ability to turn on/off the different types of notifications on behalf of clients and staff would be IDEAL to aide those that are technically challenged (or accidentally switched something on/off that they didn't intend to).

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  20. Message analytics and reporting like response times, volume

    We're receiving a huge amount of data in the form of messages but it's not possible to do anything smart with that information. The option to export messages or manipulate it would be great, as would the ability to utilise built in analytics to see response times, tag key-words, count the number of messages each day/week/month. Even the option to replace the built-in chat with a third party service like Intercom would do the job.

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