Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
294 results found
How can I get emails and other data back from corrupted Microsoft Outlook PST files?
You wish to get the data from your PST file as well as other data. There is software that can help you recover all of your PST file data if you have accidentally corrupted emails or lost data because your Outlook PST file data was destroyed. A reliable solution is offered by Outlook PST Repair Software. It functions by analyzing damaged PST file data, finding elements that can be recovered, and bringing those items back to a functional state. With the help of this strong utility, you may retrieve damaged PST file data, including email data and other important PST…
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De Invloed van ChatGPT Nederlands op het Milieubeleid
Inleiding: Wat is ChatGPT Nederlands?
ChatGPT Nederlands is een geavanceerd taalmodel dat kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) gebruikt om de Nederlandse taal te begrijpen en te genereren. Dit innovatieve hulpmiddel kan op verschillende manieren bijdragen aan het verbeteren van milieubeleid door gegevensanalyse, communicatie en strategische planning te ondersteunen. Met de inzet van ChatGPT Nederlands kunnen beleidsmakers en bedrijven hun milieudoelstellingen efficiënter bereiken en duurzamere praktijken implementeren.U **** ChatGPT Nederlands hier gebruiken:
ChatGPT Nederlands en Milieudata-analyse
Een van de grootste voordelen van ChatGPT Nederlands is het vermogen om grote hoeveelheden milieudata te analyseren. Dit omvat gegevens over luchtkwaliteit, waterverbruik, afvalbeheer en…1 vote -
Chat GPT Svenska Gratis: En Resurs för Sporttränare
Sporttränare står inför många utmaningar, från att planera träningspass och analysera prestationer till att motivera sina idrottare och hantera kommunikation med föräldrar och teammedlemmar. Chat GPT Svenska Gratis är ett kraftfullt verktyg som kan hjälpa sporttränare att övervinna dessa utmaningar genom att erbjuda en rad användbara funktioner och resurser. Här är hur Chat GPT Svenska Gratis kan vara en ovärderlig resurs för sporttränare.
Dessutom kan du använda Chat GPT Svenska Gratis online här:
Planering av Träningspass med Chat GPT Svenska Gratis
En av de mest tidskrävande uppgifterna för sporttränare är att planera effektiva träningspass. Chat GPT Svenska Gratis kan…1 vote -
Welke voordelen biedt ChatGPT Deutsch?
ChatGPT Deutsch: Die Zukunft der Künstlichen Intelligenz im Dialog
Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat in den letzten Jahren erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht, insbesondere im Bereich der natürlichen Sprachverarbeitung. Eine herausragende Innovation in diesem Bereich ist ChatGPT Deutsch, das die Fähigkeit besitzt, komplexe Dialoge zu führen und intelligente Antworten zu generieren. Diese Technologie markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein und wird zunehmend in verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten eingesetzt.Erfahren Sie mehr über die neuen Funktionen:
Die Technologie hinter ChatGPT Deutsch
ChatGPT Deutsch basiert auf dem Modell der Generativen Vorhersage durch Transformer (GPT), das von OpenAI entwickelt wurde. Es nutzt ein tiefes neuronales Netzwerk, das…1 vote -
Trainer becomes client - can we have ourselves as clients and hold accountable
We trainers could also use plan and accountability.
Can we make our own plans for ourselves and have help with sticking to a habit?1 vote -
Create a way for clients to submit trainer reviews that are visible on our Trainerize profiles.
Clients should be able to leave a review and express how much they enjoyed working with their trainer. After the trainer approves the review, it could be posted on their Trainerize profile for potential clients to see. This will help trainers market themselves and attract more potential clients. This is particularly helpful for clients that have to cease their work with a trainer, but want to leave on a good note. It will also help potential clients gain insight into what working with a particular trainer is like, and help guide their decision making when choosing a trainer.
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Be able to turn off high five and thumbs up animations
It would be much better for clients, at least in my experience to be able to turn these animations off, they feel like they take forever to go away when checking off lists or completing a workout. It's just annoying when the to-do list has a moderate amount.
1 vote - Revolutionising Text Customisation
In the digital age, personalisation and uniqueness are more important than ever. Whether you're a social media influencer, a content creator, a marketer, or simply someone who enjoys standing out, the tools you use to customise your text can make a significant difference. Enter, a powerful platform that offers an array of text customisation options to help you make your words truly unique.
What is is an online tool designed to transform ordinary text into something extraordinary. With a wide variety of fonts, styles, and symbols at your disposal, this platform enables users to create text that…1 vote -
"Explorando Chat GPT en Español: Innovación y Accesibilidad"
Introducción: La Relevancia de Chat GPT en Español
La adopción global de tecnologías basadas en inteligencia artificial está remodelando cómo interactuamos con el mundo digital. Chat GPT en español, particularmente, está destacando por su capacidad de brindar interacciones fluidas y contextuales en uno de los idiomas más hablados del mundo. Aquí comienza un nuevo viaje: haga clic en para explorar.Comunicación Mejorada: Chat GPT en Español en el Servicio al Cliente
Chat GPT en español está revolucionando el servicio al cliente en mercados hispanohablantes. Empresas de todos los tamaños están implementando esta herramienta para proporcionar respuestas inmediatas y personalizadas…1 vote -
Please add Canadian pricing
It would be nice to have the option to switch currencies.
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Can to guys just optmiize your app so it's not so slow and freezing all the time or lagging on typing messages longer than 3 lines
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Unblockedgamesaz: Your Gateway to Unrestricted Gaming Fun on
Introduction to the Website
The world of online gaming is a vast and exciting landscape, but it can often be frustrating when restrictions prevent you from enjoying your favorite titles at school, work, or on certain networks. That's where comes in, a website dedicated to providing a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience without limitations.Introduction to Unblockedgamesaz
Unblockedgamesaz is a premier destination for gamers seeking a massive selection of free, safe, and entertaining unblocked games. It stands out as a platform that understands the need for unrestricted access to gaming fun. The website is designed to provide a…1 vote -
Fontes de Letras: Desbloqueando a Criatividade com
Introdução ao
No mundo em constante evolução do design e da expressão criativa, a busca por fontes únicas e cativantes pode ser uma tarefa difícil. No entanto, o site surgiu como o destino preferido para indivíduos e profissionais que buscam elevar seus projetos com uma gama diversificada de opções tipográficas excepcionais.Apresentando Fontes de Letras
No centro desta plataforma está "Fontes de Letras", uma coleção abrangente de mais de 30.000 fontes gratuitas abrangendo uma ampla variedade de estilos e categorias. Do clássico e elegante ao moderno e lúdico, esta extensa biblioteca atende às diversas necessidades e preferências dos…1 vote -
Techtodown: A Comprehensive Assessment – Strengths of the Platform
Introduction to the website
In the vast world of mobile applications, finding reliable sources for modified (MOD) APKs can be challenging. However, emerges as a beacon of quality and convenience within this niche. This platform offers a curated selection of top-tier MOD APKs, streamlining the process of discovering and downloading the best-modified apps for Android devices.
Introduction to Techtodown
Techtodown is a dedicated online resource that simplifies the world of MOD APKs. Their mission is to empower users with access to a meticulously vetted library of modified applications. This focus on quality sets them apart from less scrupulous…
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Daily Journal
Introducing a feature that allows clients to create general notes on their calendar would be a valuable addition. Instead of limiting notes to meals or workouts, or relying solely on message threads, clients could document journal entries for their coach to review. Coaches could offer prompts for reflection or simply allow clients to jot down their thoughts independently. This feature fosters deeper client engagement and provides a comprehensive view of their wellness journey.
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Rozmowy Bez Granic: Korzystaj z Chat GPT po Polsku jako Twojego Stałego Partnera
Chat GPT po Polsku to zaawansowana technologia oparta na sztucznej inteligencji, która umożliwia interakcję z wirtualnymi rozmówcami w języku polskim. Dzięki temu narzędziu, użytkownicy mogą prowadzić rozmowy na różnorodne tematy, uzyskiwać informacje, zadawać pytania i wymieniać się poglądami, niezależnie od miejsca i czasu. To właśnie dlatego, Chat GPT po Polsku staje się niezastąpionym partnerem w codziennych rozmowach.
Jedną z głównych zalet Chat GPT po Polsku jest jego wszechstronność. Narzędzie to może być wykorzystywane przez osoby o różnym poziomie doświadczenia i zainteresowań. Dla studentów języków obcych, Chat GPT po Polsku może stanowić doskonałe wsparcie w nauce poprawnej gramatyki i słownictwa. Dla…
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Add a FIRE emoji option and COLOR option for thumbs up etc
I think it would be great to add a FIRE emoji for clients to use for replies as well as COLOR options for the thumbs-up as they do on cell phones and other apps.
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Switching accounts on Android app causes the setup process to run again each time
I have multiple client accounts with Trainerize. I'm on Anroid.
When I switch between the accounts on the app I have to go through the app setup process each time. This would be an easy fix that would reduce my friction significantly for multiple accounts.
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Update the ui/ux. It looks real clunky and out dated.
The trends for ui/ux in the space are moving forward. we need to keep up. Were falling behind drastically.
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Safari supported Trainerize
it is so annoying to write or start a program just for trainerise to re login of which you have to start again with the plan. Super discouraging and inefficient
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- Don't see your idea?