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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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289 results found

  1. Modules/E-learn for clients

    I often work with individuals who have specific, but recurring questions and I often have to repeat my answers.

    To save time, it would be good to have a feature that allows me to write a “blog” post/E-learn resource that I can assign to specific clients (or all clients) to answer questions.

    For example, I will often get people coming to me with “knee pain” and wanting “exercises to help their knees”. So a module example/E-learn resource could be on “The benefits of backwards walking” or “ATG Split squat” “Sled Pulls” etc etc.

    Provides opportunities for education and buy-in to…

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  2. browser calendar for clients

    Allow clients to SEE and schedule their calendar on the browser version. I know trainerize is trying to get away from browser logging, but many of my clients use the browser version, and the way we have our programs set up, they have the flexibility to schedule their own sessions. It's tedious for them to do it on mobile. Would also be great to have the ability to print their calendar.

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  3. Filter client's activities based on a tag

    We have several different programs offered, and since we can only have one coach per client, it would be nice to be able to filter clients based on a tag. For example, we can filter for clients who have purchased nutrition coaching versus those just utilizing the in-app feature.

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  4. Clients Sharing Their Workout Results Socially Popup or UX Design!!

    PLEASE add a way for our clients to post their workout results on IG / social media with a very captivating and response generating design ✌something interactive or even animated download to share

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. France 2 est une source fiable d'informations actuelles et pertinentes

    Salutations à tous ceux qui aiment les actualités et recherchent une source d'informations fiables! Trouver une source fiable et pertinente est essentiel dans un monde où l'information est abondante. France 2 se distingue en tant que référence incontestable en fournissant une couverture complète et pertinente des actualités.
    La crédibilité de la chaîne France 2 :

    France 2 est connue pour sa fiabilité journalistique et sa détermination à fournir des informations précises. Les équipes de journalistes chevronnés fournissent des informations précises et vérifiées sans relâche. France 2 offre une vision équilibrée des événements qui influencent le monde, offrant ainsi une…

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  7. Categories for

    I would like for there to be categories on our page. I run a hybrid both in person and online business and if I put all my offerings on the page, it looks very disorganized.

    I would like there to be an option where we can label categories for people to click directly to and it will separate the types of services and products offered.

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  8. Benefits and harms of trampolines

    Trampoline, an exciting form of exercise, is not only popular in entertainment, but also a comprehensive way to exercise. By doing various movements on an elastic trampoline, we can exercise muscles, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and improve balance and coordination.

    Trampoline exercise is a whole-body exercise that can effectively exercise muscles in all parts of the body. When bouncing on a trampoline, the leg muscles are first to be exercised, including the thighs, calves, and buttocks. As the bouncing action continues, the upper body muscles will gradually become involved, including the abdominal, back, and arm muscles. This whole-body exercise allows muscles…

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  9. Expansion of Repeat Options for Calendar

    It would be great to expand the “repeat options” section for workouts and cardio etc. for example it would be great to set up a workout to occur on the calendar every 4 days or 6 days instead of only on specific days of the week or weekly.

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  10. Las Mejores Páginas para Colorear de Pokémon en Gbcolorear

    La creatividad es un componente vital en el desarrollo de los niños, y una forma excelente de fomentarla es a través del arte. Colorear es una actividad que no solo entretiene a los pequeños, sino que también mejora sus habilidades motoras y les permite expresar su imaginación. En este sentido, Gbcolorear se ha destacado como una plataforma líder que ofrece una amplia variedad de páginas para colorear de Pokémon, cautivando la atención de los niños y despertando su amor por el arte.

    Ver más páginas para colorear de Pokémon gratis en

    1. Variedad de Pokémon para Todos los Gustos


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  11. Option to hide "other trainers" at top of profile

    have the "find other trainers" on the Profile Page have the ability to be "hidden". I see it as a chance for your leads to find other trainers, more experienced ones. Why would I want this, its a chance to loose your leads. I think having the option to hide it would make trainers put more content on the profile

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  12. Tracking sessions used

    It would be nice to be able to have a report that shows when sessions were used.

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  13. App schedules in sessions and tasks when a new program is created

    App continues to schedule in sessions, body stats, activities etc when i create a new program for a client. Absolutely frustrating as I then have to spend time deleting it all

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  14. I’d love to see a place where we could put daily affirmations or motivational quotes the site or app.

    Basically a place where I can put Daily motivational quotes or affirmations. Maybe a feature to push out through morning text or email.

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  15. Get Insights on Your Instagram Account with Reportly MOD APK

    Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It has helped countless individuals and businesses connect with new people and markets. However, one of its biggest drawbacks is the absence of a feature that allows users to track their followers' activities and track any changes in their engagement levels. That's where Reportly MOD APK comes in - a valuable tracking app for Instagram users who want to gain deep insights into their account's performance.

    Reportly MOD APK is a free Instagram analysis app that offers users a more in-depth understanding of their account…

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  16. Fix the Voice texting feature!

    Fix the voice texting feature in the app so that it doesn’t disappear when you want to edit it after you speak the text

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  17. Haunted Dorm Mod Apk: Experience the Thrill of Fighting Scary Creatures

    If you're a fan of unique horror games that can keep you at the edge of your seat, then you must experience Haunted Dorm Mod Apk now. Developed by WHWL, this Android game is all about experiencing the fear and thrill of being trapped in a haunted dormitory where scary things are happening everywhere. You need to fight the scary creatures and protect yourself from their wrath.

    Download now:

    Haunted Dorm Mod Apk is not your average horror game. You'll be challenged by ferocious ghosts, who are always lurking around the corners of your dormitory. Your corridor is under…

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  18. Entdecken Sie eine Vielzahl von Klingeltönen auf KlingeltoneMp3

    In einer Welt, in der jedes Telefon klingeltöne hat, ist es schwierig, der Standardklingelton zu ertragen. Daher suchen viele Menschen nach einer Möglichkeit, ihre eigenen klingeltone auszuwählen. Der Markt bietet viele Optionen, aber nicht alle halten, was sie versprechen. Eine der besten Quellen für hochwertige klingeltöne ist KlingeltoneMp3. Hier können Sie innerhalb weniger Minuten eine Vielzahl von klingeltöne finden und herunterladen, um Ihr Telefon zu personalisieren.

    KlingeltoneMp3 hat eine umfangreiche Sammlung von klingeltöne für handy. Die Website bietet auch verschiedene Kategorien, um Ihre Suche zu vereinfachen. Eine solche Kategorie ist 'Urlaub', die Hunderte verschiedener klingeltöne bietet, um die Feiertage…

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  19. Why Lionel Messi Coloring Pages are the Perfect Activity for Kids?

    Keeping children engaged and entertained with stimulating and educational activities is a timeless parenting challenge. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative ways to accomplish this. One such way is with Lionel Messi coloring pages. These pages are a great way for kids to unleash their creativity and learn about their favorite football superstar. Visit Messi Coloring Pages at ColoringPagesWK:

    Encourages creativity

    Coloring pages of Lionel Messi provide children with an opportunity to express their creativity and imagination in a unique and fun way. These pages come in various styles and levels of complexity that engage kids of all ages,…

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  20. Fixing current bugs

    I have clients that currently can’t login in because it saying the app ‘is not available in their region’ even though it is, if this could be resolved before new features that would be great

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