Be able to subscribe clients up for multiple programs (individual + other programs)
Be able to sign clients up for multiple programs. They could keep their individual program and be subscribed to other mobility programs or challenge programs.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it here:
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Rob commented
Is there any more traction on this request? Overlaying - not replacing - a Program on top of a manual Training Plan would be fantastic.
Chase Griffin commented
This would be a great addition and a lot of chances for more income for all. I run programs through this site at my gym and it would be awesome to be able to sale mini challenges during programs. Also when one program ends its hard to roll over more people because i have to delete the current program before they can purchase the next one.
Allie Smith-Cobb commented
I have a master program that I'll subscribe my clients to, but during my 6 week challenge I like to give them "targeted" workouts. A fun ab workout, cardio challebge, booty workout, bicep and tricep burner... these are added just during the 6 weeks and don't need to derail the master program.
Rebecca Selvey commented
This would be awesome!
Me commented
I want to able to assign more than one training plan at a time to the client. There are times I have training plans that are for a specific area such as lower body or abs and I have clients who want them both however they can only have one plan at a time.
I also would like the option so that once a client purchases a plan the workouts stays in their profile once the plan has finished.
Me commented
yes they need to fix this. If a client purchases a training plan and then another all the workouts need to still be there so they can go back and redo a plan if they like
Farlee Walker commented
I like to have a template master program with intro videos, scheduled messages and check ins etc. it would be great if I could add a fitness master program over the top of this to reduce workload. Similarly if I have a master program focusing on core only, I’d like to overlay this over a current program to save time also. Would make so much difference to my program creation.
Grace Henry commented
I would like to add each of my clients into an accountability group in the group program - and I would like to have each fo my clients in two different programs - their specific customized program, and the program built for the group. It would offer each client customized programming, and accountability within the group if I can subscribe them to cardio, yoga, and other group-oriented programs.
Anonymous commented
I have a standard messaging and support programme for clients with messages, images and videos of education and encouragement and it'd be great to be able to overlay a beginner, intermediate or advanced exercise programme over and merge the two without one overwriting the other.
Laura Lawson commented
It would be great if we could bring back the option to create training plans set up as ongoing with no end date. My clients sign up for monthly subscriptions that are recurring as long as the client wants to continue training with me. Having to manage training plans with end dates creates more overhead. The option of setting a very long term on the training plan looks strange to the clients.
Carla White commented
I would REALLY love to see this feature! I would be a game changer. I actually came here to suggest it and found this post. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.
Christopher Miller commented
I would like to be able to make routine that can incorporate both regular and circuit or interval together instead of it being one routine or the other.
Simon commented
I agree Jeremy!
I have an ab program and I can not copy to clients who bought it seperatly beacause the master program allows only one program.
So they have to follow my ab program from pdf :(
Jeremy Thom commented
At the moment I am switching programs when people upgrade. The problem is when I do that, all the previous programs are gone from their calendar. I would like this to remain if possible.
Amy Ward commented
It would be wonderful to assign multiple programs on top of one another, and even better if you could view all of them on the client's calendar.
For example: one program for each of the following: mobility, beginner's 5K run, strength, general cool down. -
Josh Kennedy commented
I think being able to run several pre created programmes concurrently and/ or be able to make individual changes to subscribed training plans would make injury prevention, rehabilitation and supplementary work much easier to use, allowing us to individualse programmes in a time efficient manner by subscribing to “relevant” pre set programmes
Jonathan Slaven commented
When a client clicks on the '+' symbol, hits 'Workout', they see an unorganized jumble of workout templates that is their training plan. It would be nice if all the workouts in a plan could be put into neat folders (would help it to load faster, easier to understand, simpler to select for client, etc.)
Rob Yontz commented
At present a client may ONLY have their individual (custom) training plan workouts OR they may have a connection to a Master Program which overwrites everything else. I need to do both at times. I would like to see where a client could have maybe 2 sections / headers in their training plan where 1 would be Master / Group (or whatever title makes sense) Program AND Personal / Individual / Custom (whichever makes best sense) Program. They could have workouts / items in one or the other or both.
Kerstin Goldstein commented
My clients get new training plans every 4 weeks with multiple workouts in each training plan. At the moment, trainerize is set up so that a client can ONLY have 1 training plan.
However, I like my clients to keep their "old" training plans, so they can vary their workouts. E.g. stretching and warm up workouts they get only every couple of months. I like them to be able to use their old training plans for those workouts. I don't want to copy those to a new training plan because it gets confusing for the client if there are soooo many workouts in the same training plan.
I just like all training plans to be available ongoing without any limitation on how many training plans a client can have.
Wilson Horrell commented
This would make my business tremendously easier. I would love this