Build out a daily video lesson or educational content that they can check off when completed
It would be great to be able to provide a daily lesson that clients can mark as completed once they’ve consumed the material and implemented the lesson

Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.
We’re moving this to our planned roadmap.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Alicia Youlton commented
Assign more than one master program per client. I have educational videos based on concers and want to build out 'habit' calendars with the educational material
[ie 2 week lessons on gluten free with various habits attached].
Matthew Davison commented
Maybe zapier could like to teaching platform?
Adrian commented
Yes please! This would be amazing!
Laura Grossi commented
YES! I’m doing this by adding these types of videos to workouts but I’d much rather a section specifically for these!
Troels Seeberg commented
See text
Carla White commented
I'm happy to continue doing this via Youtube and uploading into my library. If we could just add these videos to habits or create a new category such as "education" just like we have for training plan that would work for me! Write now everything is considered a "workout"
Matt Waterton commented
Need this ASAP, as well as custom habits where we can upload our own video content.
Kari Durrant commented
This is a MUST! I can build education as a workout program, but that's unless because then I can't also assign an actual workout program. There needs to be a place to house education courses and materials and assign them to clients.
Liam Saechao commented
Yesss! Great idea
Penny Barnshaw commented
10000% agree!!! Instead of having to be locked into training phases, why can't there be a setup for you to have different categories of workouts but all on the one page. Exactly like the exercise library setup! This feature would make trainerize absolute perfection in my eyes.
Anastasia May commented
Would like to teach about proper running form, breathing while exercising, myofascial release, etc. and not have it categorized as a workout with sets, reps, or timed features.
Arek Bialkowski commented
Definitely a sick idea to add a "Learn/ Education Modules" Page to the app so we can release video content that people can watch whenever
Anthony Butcher commented
Habit master programs are a must. Being able to create a programmed system like the Precision Nutrition habits (which are already included) would be fantastic.
Having to add them individually to clients at the moment is insane.
James Gordon commented
I just spent HOURS adding habits to a group challenge one client at a time. I can't believe this is not already a feature (I would not have chosen trainerize if I had known this)
TJ Moats commented
It would be great if there was a tab to deliver education or learning videos to our clients. Videos on nutriton, exercise principles, even psychology and habit formation. It could be the same format as an exercise library. With the option to link your own youtube videos or select from a network of others.
Anej Wagner commented
Great idea
Kenzie commented
I'm an online health coach and trainer - I would love to be able to release my modules to clients through the app (something similar to kajabi) - this way my clients could have workouts, message me, and see my video modules all in one spot. I don't believe anyone offers this all in one yet. Many of the health coaches I know have to use multiple apps
Kirianna Crowe commented
YES! This is what we need- it's similar to some dieting apps now and I'd love to be able to put some "reading materials" on clients portals that they should be reading
Amy commented
I would like to be able to add habits to a master program instead of setting each client up individually.
Andy commented
well this saved me asking for the feature. Having a learning section where we can upload videos to educate our clients would be awesome. It does need to be kept simple so I believe being about to set a video to unlock depending on the duration they have held there account with you would be the easiest