Voice messages!
It’s a bit hard to get your excitement or instructions across when sending written messages so I think voice messaging would be a great addition. I’ve had clients reach out to me this way on IG and the response is much more fluid.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it in this blog post or in this help article.
You and your client MUST be on app version v.7.114.0 in order for the voice message function to work on mobile. It will not work otherwise. Certain Custom branded apps are still rolling out, but you should be getting it shortly if you haven’t so far.
Few important things you should know about voice messages feature:
- Voice messages are available in DMs, and Groups, and both on Web and Mobile.
- You have 2 ways of sending voice message:
-Tap, Hold to Record and Release to send
-Tap, Hold, Swipe up to lock for hands free, Record hands free and Tap to send
- Length of voice message is up to 5min long.
- You have ability to speed up the voice message to up to 2x.
- Voice messages in groups are off by default for clients, but you can turn it on in the settings.
- Just like any other message you can delete voice message.
Please note below items we are aware of an working on. We don’t have precise ETA yet for it:
- User can’t start new thread with a voice message - currently in development and we will be releasing this fix soon
- Trainer can’t turn off voice messages for clients in DMs - on the roadmap no ETA at the moment but you can vote for this idea here as we will be regularly checking demand for this which will help us prioritize this feature.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to ideas.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
Coach George commented
An awesome idea, especially if they would be also sent as Auto Messages. Here's a cool way you can use these:
I like sending clients informative messages. But some of them are really long and some clients don't like reading long messages. However, I would like to also send them the Audio version of the informative message. That would make things a lot easier for clients who are in a rush when receiving the messages.
Chaim Loeb commented
Can we have an update on when this will be happening please!? It will change my business!
Ashley Smith commented
Asap. For now, I just cover camera and record voice only, but it's annoying when the video feature crashes the app.
Anonymous commented
Good to have a audio message option in messages section. It be the best option and will be useful For most of the people who can not type and for the people who wants to send audio msg insted of txt msg
Nikkiey commented
Voice messages!
Alex Ho commented
please please PLEASE install this feature guys. I voice memo with a few clients over WhatsApp and it really does make a huge difference. If Trainerize had this it would set the app way above their competitors
Aleksa Govedarica commented
Please give us this.
Sam Slack commented
This would be a great feature
zack commented
This is the only reason I would choose mypthub over trainerize.
The whole instant messaging is very out dated and slow.. no offense trainierize, you guys are amazing with the other features. Community & communication should be priority now that you got workout builder on point
zack commented
Add voice messaging inside the instant messenger so I can have more genuine interactions with my trainer.
It will Also save me a lot of time to not have to text and they can hear my tone of voice better.
Victoria Ngo commented
So much more of a personal feel when we’re able to voice msg our clients!
Sarah Doell commented
This would allow us to maximize our time which = more clients which = higher priced client packages purchased from Trainerize
Win-win for everyone! :)
Stephanie Mercurio commented
Younes Idrissi commented
Marek Downing commented
Anonymous commented
Or as well as!
Tara commented
YES. Please please please! This would be great for giving feedback and also just sending a quick personal encouragement message as well.
Andres Lopez commented
Nikita Curins commented
it would be very beneficial to answer clients in voice messages especially if they send videos of their exercise technique to review and give them feedback.
Jovan prodanic commented
YES !!!!