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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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295 results found

  1. Ability to delete a bulk amount of reoccurring scheduled messages

    For example, i have set a check in message for 52 weeks of the year and i cannot remove it. I have to go through and delete them individually. Aint no body got time for that

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  2. 6 votes

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  3. Video analysis - voice over & scrub video

    It would be INCREDIBLE if you could respond to a client sending a video of their exercise with a voice over/screen record of you scrubbing through the video and talking through what they could do better. I coach a lot of athletes and this would be super relevant

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  4. Auto Messages / Emails for new PURCHASE, not just new CLIENT

    Allowing for auto messages / auto emails to send for a new PURCHASE, not just a new CLIENT.

    When a previous client signs up again, they do not receive any of the initial Welcome Emails, PAR-Q, First Sign-in Message etc.

    It would be great to be able to have an additional messaging flow for any new purchases, not just new clients, so that returning clients can receive any new updates, fill out a new PAR-Q etc, since a lot can change over time (on both sides).

    • If a new workflow for this isn't possible, maybe even a checkbox to select…
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  5. Sub-folders/categories for Messages

    ability to create sub-folders/categories in messages that would allow better organization.

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  6. Allow multilingual support with a translation tool, from which users are able to translate the app to their own language

    Allow multilingual support with a translation tool, from which users are able to translate the app to their own language.

    This allows for a faster integration of other languages, as we are getting complaints from our users that they are not fluent enough in English and hence not able to use the app in a friendly way.

    This is one of the most important reasons our clients end their subscriptions.

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  7. 4 votes

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  8. Automated 'low usage' messages when client's don't log into the app for a period of time

    Have automated and customisable 'low-usage' messages sent out if a client hasn't logged on to the app in 'x' amount of days, or didn't complete their workout, etc.
    This would be a powerful retention and accountability tool.

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  9. Video Messages when on Desktop

    It'd be awesome to be able to do video messages from desktop, so I don't have to go back and forth on mobile a ton, and since it would upload a lot faster than on mobile.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Allow admins to audit or monitor messages from trainers

    As the owner of a fitness business, I would like to spot-audit messages from my trainers to ensure communication quality/

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  12. Sending mass messages to client's phones via text as well as through the app

    I would like to send mass text messages to clients who are not engaging in their program. People who are not engaging in the program are obviously not on the app. i need to be able to send them a text message, encouraging them to re-engage. Otherwise I will never reach them. It is inevitable that 100% of people will fall along the way. Whey they are in a bad place, they are not using their app - but you can reach them immediately and anywhere with a text. Give it some consideration.

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  13. Automated "Missed Workout" messages...

    We have non-editable missed payment messages, but what about a custom message for when people miss their workouts, rather than just relying on the tags feature.

    It will add a further automation layer, therefore less stress on the trainer(s), when they have multiple people missing workouts.

    For example, if we can set the time of the message to send at, say 7pm, asking why they haven't recorded a workout.

    "Hey {FirstName}, I notice you didn't compete your workout today.. Why?"

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  14. 2 votes

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  15. schedule automated messages past 14 days and not just at 9am

    Would love to be able to schedule an automated check-in message at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc. Also, be able to customize the time of day they are sent.

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  16. Export Messages

    Ability to export private and Group messages.

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  17. send exercise in message

    I want to be able to share an exercise directly from the message box. I wish I could search inside the message for an exercise like I can while creating a workout.

    This instance I"m trying to share a warm up exercise for bad shoulder mobility and this client is on a membership master workout program so I can't just put it in her program.

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  18. Ability to send automated text messages when selling a product as a confirmation of sale

    So currently when selling an add-on session to my client it sends them a confirmation email. My clients are very busy and sometimes they don't always get to their emails. If an automated text confirmation can be sent as well, this would help speed up the ability to have the trainer paid for the add-on sessions.

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  19. Add in a heart to the “liking” part to messages

    My clients always send me messages of how they’re doing and I feel bad just giving a thumbs up so a heart would be great to recognize their message!

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  20. 1 vote

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