allow client to add notes for each excercise
Now, it's possible for clients to make notes for the whole workout, but not for each excercise. Would be great to do that (Example: "Reduced weight bench press due to DOMS" --> barbell bench press. "New record, yes!" --> Barbell Squat)
Otherwise, great job! Love your Service and my clients do too.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it. Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Lauren Zins commented
This would be good for English speakers too. The Train Heroic app allows comments for every exercise and I found it really helpful to be able to give specific pointers per exercise. For example “pay close attention to your knees on this one” or “this one is new for you so use light weight, go slow, and focus on form.”
Ashley Battersby commented
Ashley Battersby commented
Please put a text box after each exercise for client or trainer can write notes !!!
Ashley Battersby commented
Yessss please!
Ashley Battersby commented
When a client needs to write “back hurt” or “this was too hard” or even an RPE for each exercise!!
Travis Murrells commented
Being able to add a comment onto a specific exercise would be beneficial for the client so they don't have to wait till the end of the session/forget about it. Would be amazing for the trainer so the client see's the instruction as they get to the exercise instead of reading a blog at the start of the workout and forgetting about it.
Angelo Bramato commented
allow client to add notes for each exercise
Coach George commented
Hey! This could be an interesting feature to have. Maybe with an ability for the client to Flag some exercises with something like:
- Demo is not clear
- Don't have the equipment
- Can't perform this exercise
- Exercise doesn't feel right
- Exercise causes pain in "enter zone"
- Exercise is too easy
- Exercise is too hard
- Exercise feels great (we have to know which ones do feel better for the client)
- Improved my form
- Lowered my tempo
- Increased my tempo
- Changed the Machine (cause different machines tend to have different resistance curves)
- Reduced Rest Time
- Increased Rest TimeI think exercise notes could be useful right under the Workout Notes. That's the most convenient place where I can think about placing them at this moment, considering all other things remain the same (interface wise).I'll be back with other ideas if something crosses my mind.
Would like seeing this feature in practice.
Martin Whitaker commented
This is something almost all of my clients have asked for. Some examples of where it would be used are things like adding the weight of a none standard bar so they know when calculating what to load on. Sometimes we use bands, so colour of band. Maybe adding notes to go heavier next time or if they had issues that day with something
Hunter Olson commented
For example if I want a client to do glute bridges in a circuit. But the last round I want down with no weight and glute pumps added. I can note that in the exercise for that specific circuit.
Jamie Owen commented
This needs to happen. TrueCoach is ahead of the game when it comes to this, and I know a ton of coaches who have opted to change due to this one fact alone. Given the current climate, it's more important than ever to know exactly how each client is getting on with each exercise in their programme. Hopefully, this is sorted ASAP, or I'll also be making the switch.
Shannon Pestana commented
Have a section where clients are able to write notes next to the exercise prescribed. This will allow them to write any important notes or reminders for the next time they train (e.g. push knees out in the squat, or make sure to activate glutes prior to session as glutes were switched off)
Heather Barbieri commented
And/or level of difficulty for that workout/reps/weight. When I manually write down client workouts, if the client needs to go down on weight next time (to focus on form), then I put a minus sign next to it. If he/she needs to go up on weight (or reps) next time, I put a plus sign beside it. They may log, eg. doing 3 sets of 10 w/25, but it was too hard and realize next time they should do 10 w/20.
Anonymous commented
Add a notes option to add a note to specific exercises - example perform this as a drop set or perform AMRAP.
Peter Stringer commented
Be able to make notes about the exercise right next to where you can edit or input reps and lbs, instead of another click to the comment's or in the chat box.
Rachael commented
Individual exercise notes and the ability to send photos and videos for the form checking
Cat commented
Can’t believe this was discussed nearly two years ago and still doesn’t seem to have been added... Am I missing it somewhere? This is a big thing for me and my clients, so it looks like I’m going to be using TrueCoach!
Karyn commented
I totally agree with Liam's (and all the comments). It's one of my factors for trying to choose between Trainerize and TrueCoach. I prefer the way that Trainerize sets up the workouts for clients to follow, but the challenge is on the feedback side - clients' ability to provide simple input or upload a video with a set to review form, etc. I also do a lot of work with seniors in their homes and we use bands rather than weights for many of them, but there is no way to note what bands we used, if we had to make any alterations to a set, one leg having more balance than another, etc.
Kara Frachioni commented
Allow for comments/instruction/notes on each individual exercise
Liam Saechao commented
Hi I'm new and testing out Trainerize and I noticed this post has been in here for a few years. It would be nice to get some update on what's going on with this. I'm currently using TrueCoach and the client feedback feature for each exercise was one of my favourite feature with TrueCoach. I think allowing clients to add a note or video for each exercise will help improve the software. I would like to be able to review their notes as I check in their completed workout log