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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1630 results found

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  2. Results section for load

    Have a results tab on each set for every exercise clients do.

    Set 1: 12 RM (client input result)
    Set 2: 10 RM (client input result)
    Set 3: 8 RM (client input result)

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  3. Exercise images/diagrams

    Printable exercise diagrams

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  4. Autosave stats on workouts without completing the workout

    Right now you cant go back to dash in the middle of recording a workout without all of your stats being erased. You have to save and rate an incomplete workout, go back and check what you need to check, and then go back and finish, or discard everything and then put everything all over again. You should be able to check your calendar, dash, training program, and profile in the middle of recording your stats.

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  5. Editing programs for clients who have future start dates on predesigned programs

    When a client buys a predesigned program that has a fututre start date we are unable to make adjustments to that program without making adjustments to everyone who has subscribed to that program. Can we please have it load to the clients profile at the date of purchase and then still allow it to load to the clients profile on the start date.

    Example: A client buys a predesigned at home workout program but they needs one modification due to limitations for whatever reason so we need to adjust one thing on their program. We are unable to do that…

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  6. Allow clients to see the coming week

    It would be helpful if the client could see their training program for the coming week. For instance, if they're current training program ends on Sunday and their new training program starts on Monday, they cannot see or schedule the workouts for the new program until Monday morning. I have one client who was starting Week 4 on a Monday, but tried to schedule her workouts on Sunday so she accidentally scheduled her Week 3 workouts since the Week 4 workouts were not available yet. I have plenty of clients who like to see the workouts coming up in advance…

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  7. Flexibility with exercise and workouts

    I need the flexibility to mix and adjust elements of an exercise (Sets/Reps/Time/Weight) and elements of a workout (Regular/Superset/Circuit/Interval) all within a single workout.

    Example -

    Barbell Deadlift 3 x 5 135 lbs.
    Barbell Clean AMRAP for 3 mins @ 95 lbs.
    Push Jerk 10 minutes to establish heavy double
    Ab Crunch 2 x 1 min

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  8. Calories

    Ability to input calories burned as a metric like distance, time, etc. For exercises like assault bike, rowing, etc.

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  9. An apply all button

    An apply all button so that you don't have to change the sets reps for each exercise.

    You make a plan with 6 exercises in it then click on one exercise enter sets and reps and then a button to apply the same to all exercises would just save time

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  10. Using desktop version to run a routine

    I would like to be able to do a workout via desktop not just mobile app

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  11. Exercise Use Stats

    Over the years I have created and uploaded duplicate exercises on accident. I want to delete the duplicate, but I don't know if it is being used in one of many workouts and programs that I have created.

    It would be a great feature to know if an exercise is being used in a workout or program.

    I've made this mistake before. Deleting an exercise and inadvertently deleted part of someone's workout without knowing.

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  12. Substutute move on periodization

    Ability to substitute a move for periodization. This way you can change the move for a bodybpart weekly

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  14. Option to manage labels

    Option to manage labels of “workouts” to “movement” or “meal plan” to “Nourishment” for clients who have struggled with dysmorphia, eating disorders, or disordered ways of viewing and treating their bodies and now have broken relationships with the words “workout” and “diet/meal plan” and the traditional ways of fitness

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  15. Can you please make it available for us to program a particular day every 8 days?

    It would save me lots of time from having to manually schedule a muscle group to train every 8 days.

    Unless the option is there and I can’t see it?

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  16. Admins can have program work outs on their admin account

    I have to switch back snd fourth to use trainerize for myself, yall should allow for admins to be ale to have work outs.

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  18. add manual exercise if a client is in a program

    If a client is subscribed to a program, it would be nice if there was a way to possibly add an additional exercise if the client needs a little extra boost. I only see the client can add freestyle workout on their own thus far.

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  19. Customize Day on Desktop

    It would be great if we could customize workouts on specific days week after week like on the mobile app. And, it would be even better if we could schedule progressions with different exercises for a program. For instance, I may keep a client with dumbbell squats for 4 weeks, but I may change out the exercises that I superset it with. I keep "staples" in certain programs and adjust other exercises as I see fit. Super beneficial to have this feature for programming when things constantly change in a clients life.

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