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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5436 results found

  1. make audio cue volume adjustable

    The app dims my music. I try to turn the volume up so I can hear the music but then the audio cues are so loud I’ll wake up the whole house. Please make the audio adjustable so I can either remove the music dimming, or turn down the audio cue volume. My music goes so quiet I can’t even hear it playing

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  2. Add a place to put notes next to exercises.

    Would be nice to have a spot to put notes with the exercises and reps.

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  3. Show max weight in addition to last weeks weight

    Show max weight/ reps not just most recent. Would be helpful if your coming back from injury instead of having to click on an exercise

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  4. Enable clients to add standard and custom daily habits with an easy to add reoccurrence

    Use case: Would like to add a repeating stretch activity as a habit with a specific start, stop and frequency.

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  5. Workout selections

    There is no way for us to change workout classes. We should be able to choose one style one day and another the next. Please make this easy and possible.

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  6. Star an on-demand workout as a favourite

    I would like to be able to save a workout as a favorite, there’s no easy way to go back to a workout.

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  7. 4 votes

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    1 comment  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
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  8. A second box for weights when you're doing drop sets

    When you're doing drop sets you start of with a heavier weight and then move down to a lighter one. Having a second box to write in the lower weight will help you track your dropsets.

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  9. Have a place for notes / comments / reflections wither daily or weekly

    It would be nice if there was a place for notes / comments / reflections either daily or weekly

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  10. Edit custom food info you can add

    I went to add nutrition info for a good that could not be found when I scanned the bar code, but could not enter the correct numbers because it only allows 2 numbers after the decimal point and my good had 3 (0.032g of polyunsaturated fat ). Also, could not add a decimal point when I went to add the protein and fat numbers.

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    0 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
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  11. Better compatibility between phone and wearable

    If I start/end my workout on my phone it doesn’t always carry over to my watch and vice versa

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  12. Misc Category under My Progress dashboard

    Have an easy access section I can go to add and edit my own notes and other docs and screenshots/pics I can then organize and easily reference so I can have everything in a single place to access from my single app dashboard, either from phone or laptop

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  13. Easy access to my max on different lifts.

    Keeping track and accessing my max. We can input them or they do it automatically

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  14. 7 votes

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  15. Uploads for transformation photos

    Give clients the option to upload photos of their before-photos as well as their progress

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  16. Being able to create, name, and save a freestyle workout

    It should be a basic feature to be able to create, name and save a freestyle workout

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  17. Monthly/weekly summary

    Have a week or month in review that summarizes what was accomplished (how many hours of cardio, workouts, etc.) to help with motivation and set goals moving into the next week or month.

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  18. Do not start workout in Apple Watch when starting workout in Trainerize.

    When I begin a workout via the app (start now), it ends my workout in my Apple Watch. This is a problem because through the app, my watch doesn’t read my heart rate so data is entirely inaccurate. I’d prefer to start my workout on my watch separately than the app and then just have that workout data synced after the WO has been completed.

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  19. Be able to edit a past workout and the whole system refreshes with new data

    Ability to edit old workout if the wrong data is entered. I know this is possible but:
    1. I only can go back so far
    2. It doesn't update personal bests (so far I've noticed)

    Reason - for example I've accidentally typed the wrong weight and never noticed. 2020 March I have typed 66kg dumbbell bench press but that's an error so now I can never get personal best as the system thinks it's the highest I've went and its not. Its throwing off goals and personal bests

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  20. Option to loop each video and loop all videos

    An option to set a custom or YouTube video to play repeatedly either in a loop or a set number of repetitions and an option to play the next video automatically after the the first video ends and to loop through all the videos for a set number of times or in a loop

    Also, I don’t know if there is a way to make custom videos display like the trainerize ones where a certain portion of the video plays on repeat automatically

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